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Asds in Learning Environments of Early Education: Educational Experience


Author: Vanessa Alexandra Briceño Matheus

Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, UNIOJEDA


Trujillo, Venezuela



Autism, like the rest of the pervasive developmental disorders, are currently being studied; however, their cause remains unknown. In addition, the autistic is integrated into normal schools to improve their coexistence and relationship with society. Therefore, the purposes of education for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders are the same as for the rest of the children, with or without special educational needs. Today, the Venezuelan Educational System has the need to educate and adequately serve all students, where they pretend that in educational institutions not only admit everyone, but really are schools for all; adapting the system to people, instead of being the ones that adapt. This article aims to describe an educational experience of a girl with autism spectrum disorder in the learning environment at the initial education level. Regarding the methodological part, it is based on a case study with a field design. Taking as results, integration with children and teachers, a people-centered look, sitting for a certain time, compliance with basic instructions.


Keywords: education; individualized instruction; special education.


Date Received: 16-10-2017

Date Acceptance: 17-01-2018



Trastornos del Espectro Autista en Educación Inicial: Experiencia Educativa



El autismo, al igual que el resto de los trastornos generalizados del desarrollo, están siendo estudiados en la actualidad, no obstante, su causa sigue siendo desconocida. Aunado a esto, el autista es integrado a las escuelas normalistas para mejorar su convivencia y relación con la sociedad. Por ello, los fines de la educación para las personas con Trastornos del Espectro Autista son los mismos que para el resto de los niños(as), con o sin necesidades educativas especiales. Hoy día, el Sistema Educativo Venezolano tiene la necesidad de educar y atender de forma adecuada a todo el alumnado, donde pretenden que en las instituciones educativas no sólo admitan a todos, sino realmente sean escuelas para todos; adaptando el sistema a las personas, en lugar de que sean éstas las que se adapten. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo describir una experiencia educativa de una niña con el trastorno del espectro autista en el ambiente de aprendizaje en el nivel de educación inicial. En cuanto a la parte metodológica, se fundamenta en un estudio de caso con un diseño de campo. Teniendo como resultados, integración con los niños, niñas y docentes, mirada centrada en las personas, permanencia sentada por un tiempo determinado, cumplimiento de instrucciones básicas.


Palabras clave: educación; enseñanza individualizada; educación especial.


Fecha de Recepción: 16-10-2017

Fecha de Aceptación: 17-01-2018



1. Introduction

The disorders of the autism spectrum disorder, specifically autism, is based on many hypotheses for most researchers interested in the subject for many reasons. Therefore, people with Autism Spectrum Disorders are in their own world as they are popularly called, where they have their own norms, pleasures and occupations; Likewise, they are limited in the aspects of consciousness, knowledge of both themselves and others. All this originates, little communication and establishment of social ties which generates isolation, lack of understanding of the emotions of others, strange behaviors, fixations, among others.


From the pedagogical point of view, autism was established as that complexity that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have, when processing all the information they collect from the environment that surrounds them. It should be noted, some autistic children present nullity in speech, however, what speech has echolalia.


Regarding the educational intervention, the school plays an important role in the cognitive and social development of the autistic, since it has the duty of integrating all the children (as) regardless of their personal characteristics, in order to create an environment conducive to support and respond to their needs. This is what is established in the Organic Law on Education, LOE (2009): in which article 6, letter c, contemplates guaranteeing access to the Educational System to people with educational needs or disabilities, by creating conditions and opportunities.


That is to say, the Venezuelan Educational System has a quality education available and adapted to the needs of each of the children with functional diversity, to give the appropriate response in educational matters, which is based on the concept of inclusion, being the attention to diversity a need that covers all educational levels. In this regard, Schreibman and Koegel (1981), express:

Autistic children can learn, but it seems that they only learn in very careful learning conditions. They do not learn much unless they follow, in a very scrupulous way, specific teaching rules, identified through research in the area of learning. In the treatment of autistic people, adequate control of the medium to produce learning is currently the essential resource, and small deviations in teacher behavior are enough to cause serious disturbances in the learning of the autistic child (p.515).


In general, it is beneficial for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to go to normal educational institutions since they benefit from the interaction of children without functional diversity, which has been shown that the conditions of integration, as it facilitates learning and the generalization of acquisitions (Riviére, 2001).


It means then, in the school there is a supportive environment like that offered by the children themselves, however, these supports do not always occur spontaneously in the autistic child's classmates, therefore, the teacher's job is to provoke them to help them that they go out of them by themselves. The present article aims to describe an educational experience of a girl with autism spectrum disorder in the learning environment at the initial education level at the Los Capullitos Initial Education Center.


2. The problem

It is timely, in the Center for Initial Education Los Capullitos is enrolled for the first time a girl with Autism Spectrum Disorder, 4 years and 11 months, presenting defined functional diversity characteristics namely a deambulatory behavior (go from one place to another without purpose), minimal visual contact, its language is formed by monosyllables, among others. Therefore, this article refers to the pedagogical intervention of teachers from their entry into the institution, to the present, to show progress in behavioral, emotional and language changes.


3. Theoretical references

3.1. Autism

Autism is characterized by the number of restrictions regarding development in terms of the process of imagination, behavior, communication process and reciprocal social interaction. In this regard, Miguel and Rodríguez (2009: 4), define the term autism "comes from the Greek, means itself, was taken by Kanne to refer to the inability to establish social relationships, unlike Bleuler, who used it to refer to people with a poor imagination".


This means that it is conceptualized as a disorder of neurobiological origin, giving rise to a different development in problem areas such as communication in its two verbal and non-verbal aspects, in the same way, interactions with the environment that surrounds it and the flexibility of The conduct. On the other hand Frith cited by Galindo (2013: 4), defines it as "a developmental disorder that exerts a lasting influence on all aspects of the child's social, linguistic and cognitive development. It is an organic disorder of the brain, possibly with a genetic origin". That is, this brain disorder affects the ability to communicate and interact with people in their family and social environment, usually this behavior becomes evident in the first three years of life.


Regarding autistic disorder, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendency of Public Education (2003: 7), defines Autism as those "children who are hindered by social interaction, expressive communication, receptive, exhibit patterns of behavior , interest, restricted, repetitive and stereotyped activities" Therefore, this disorder is observed from birth to three years of age, through tests of delays in terms of social interaction, speech or symbolic play.


3.2. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Currently Autism Spectrum Disorders are considered according to the Andalusia Autism Federation (2005a: 8), as "neuropsychiatric disorders that, presenting a wide variety of clinical expressions, are the result of multifactorial dysfunctions of the central nervous system development". In other words, autism is a disorder that is based on the behavioral aspect, however, it is linked to several disorders, in the biologically conditioned brain functions.


Within this same line, Autism Andalusia Federation (2005b, p.9): exposed among the most predominant characteristics in autistic children are the following:

Alteration of the development of reciprocal social interaction. Complications are visualized to sympathize and put an interest with others, where significant social isolation occurs. It means, the difficulties that can occur in the boy and girl is the understanding of thoughts, socio-affective relationships, beliefs and desires.


Then, the alteration of the verbal and non-verbal communication shows alterations in the look, few gestural actions, lack of oral language. In other words, children with autism have difficulty understanding the importance of communication and its application to the environment that surrounds it, only use it when needed or rejected, presenting echolalia and stereotype of it or the topics of interest.


Similarly, restricted repertoire of interests and behaviors, therefore, is interested in performing behaviors such as fluttering hands, rocking, spinning, among others, helped by some objects, however, it is difficult to follow daily routines. Similarly, his capacity to imagine is absent, where he presents difficulty for symbolic play. That is to say, they have problems to understand the activity that is presented to them, as well as to separate, symbolize and put their thinking in order, in the same way, to understand the games of roles or imaginatives. Therefore, the teacher has the ability to reinforce these behaviors with firm and simple instructions to carry out the activity.


3.3. School integration with autistic children

The educational process of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex challenge for educational entities, in a way that facilitates the process of social and educational inclusion of children with functional diversity, also facilitates the process of interaction between the teacher, students and the child with ASD, because it is that teaching is a satisfactory process, viable and rewarding for all parties such as teachers, parents and representatives.


In this intention to give an adequate response to the educational needs of children with ASD in schools, it is necessary to work cooperatively between therapists, directors of the institution with parents, therefore, Jury and Ballesteros (2009: n.p.), state that teachers:

• Develop specific programs individualized and adapted for each child, taking into account the competences, communicative strategies used; the things you can or can not do with help.


• Carry out work in small groups, to facilitate the learning process of the child.


• The learning environment should be simple, organized and well structured, in order to strengthen daily routines.


• In the learning environment it is recommended to avoid distracting images to the child.


• In the same way, provide enough time and space to process the information taught, when presenting an episode of frustration, to do so, it is necessary to take it away from the site and take a break. Depending on this, the teacher can continue with the activity as time passes.


• Make use of materials and strategies that focus the child's interest on the activity.


• The learning environment must be in accordance with the activity to be developed, where the materials are organized so that the child can visualize it and identify it easily.


• Make use of the posters to expose the routine to be followed in order to facilitate the teaching process regarding the information provided.


• It is necessary to apply activities both collectively and individually, where a specific objective and learning is promoted.


• Regarding the assigned tasks, the particular characteristics of the child must be taken into account, with the help of the teacher.


• Conduct an exploration of the interests and tastes of the child in order to facilitate participation and learning.


4. Methodological framework

In agreement with the problematic raised in the present article with the objectives that derive from him and the theoretical bases about the same one, the present investigation is a case study. According to Stake (2005), cited by Álvarez and San (2012: n.p.). "The case study is the study of the particularity and complexity of a singular case, to get to understand its activity in important circumstances".


Based on this, the design type is field according to Sabino (2002: 85), the undeniable value lies in that it allows researchers, the true conditions in which the data have been obtained, enabling their revision or modification, in the case of the emergence of doubts regarding its quality, which guarantees a higher level of confidence for all the information obtained.


On the other hand, the data collection methods used to obtain the pertinent information were the direct observation and the investigator's diary, in order to collect, record with the purpose of storing all the information necessary for the systematization of the educational experience. In this sense, when studying the different techniques for the analysis of data of the study, the temporal triangulation of type time is considered, where the information collected from the records and observations is checked, before, during and after the pedagogical intervention.


4.1. Subject

A Venezuelan girl who presents difficulty in both psychological and motor development, especially in the process of socialization of 4 years 11 months of age, which has behaviors raised by the authors who investigate the autism spectrum syndrome.


4.2. Apparatus, materials, stage

The observation process was carried out where the activities carried out with toys and pedagogical assignments were recorded in the researcher's diary. It should be noted, the records were carried out in the learning environment of the Los Capullitos Initial Education Center.


4.3. Process

The observation process was carried out for the girl in free situations and directed by the teacher in the learning environment. This process was started for the 2014-2015 school year, through free action by the girl, then, in a semi-controlled way, she was provided with different materials to be registered in order to get an answer from her.


5. Findings

In order to fulfill the objective of describing an educational experience of a girl with autism spectrum disorder in the learning environment at the initial education level, the observations of the girl were interpreted together with other children and adults who interacted with her, during The observations were analyzed the descriptive records of the girl, this means, their typical behaviors during the day. Next, the actions of the girl in various situations are presented in the table.


Table Nº 1. Characteristics observed in the girl with Autism Spectrum Disorder.




It approaches people to enforce their wishes by taking the person's hand to take them to the desired place, without making eye contact.

During the educational practices, the girl began to have a slight eye contact with other people to enforce their personal interests.

Establish eye contact to perform any pedagogical, social and communication activities.

When he is given objects that are of his taste, he grabs them without having visual contact with the person, he only sees the object. On the other hand, when it is not to his liking, he only rejects.

In this process, he began to relate to other objects offered by the adult or child who lives daily with the girl.

Find objects of different functions namely tacos, dominoes, dolls, kitchen objects, among others.

Source: The Author (2016).


Table No. 1.1. Continuation. Characteristics observed in the girl with Autism Spectrum Disorder.




It is notorious in his affective behavior tends to be isolated from the group, regardless of whether he is an adult or not.

Their change was gradual, began to be integrated into the group of children along with the teachers in the various activities carried out within the environment of

learning for very short space of time.

Progress is evidenced by the girl, since she is immensely integrated that she has had the group for 15 to 20 minutes in the different activities


When you want to be carried, grab the person's hands without establishing eye contact.

For this moment, the girl pronounced words where she emitted her desire to charge her by making eye contact very quickly.

Make eye contact and pronounce phrases to load and do other actions.

It does not differentiate when being alone or accompanied, its behavior is the same.

Based on the routines of locating her in the child's group at the time of playing, the girl was already starting to look for a little company.

In the various pedagogical and recreational activities, the girl seeks contact with other people, without any distinction.

It makes fixations by sound objects and known by her that is in the home.

The interest for the cell phone, the music and the whistle was evidenced, where these stimuli were incorporated to carry out the activities.

The fixations for these stimuli have diminished, however, the music makes her dance and smile at all times.

Source: The Author (2016).


5.1. Advances of the girl in the learning environment

The girl had an adaptation to the learning environment in a slow way, she cried a lot because she manifested the presence of the mother, this led her to have isolation behavior, all of this caused difficulty to join the group for the realization of the daily round and compliance with the planned activities. However, it has evolved positively, it is happy, affectionate, smiling, the crying has diminished almost in its entirety, likewise, it establishes eye contact with children and adults, when it is called to give instructions or remember norms established in the learning environment.


It should be noted, at first the girl presented a deambulatory behavior (she went from one place to another without purpose), with a scattered attention level, an attitude she apparently adopts when she is tired. However, this behavior has changed progressively, as it shares with the other children in the daily round, singing and imitating the gestures of the songs they like, in the same way, when the activity of the day is being performed.


For his part, he mentions the body parts at certain times of the day namely nose, eyes, mouth, foot and hand in the objects of his liking as the doll of the space to represent and imitate. Also, it expresses orally its child gender and its name, as well as the indications given to it in the different periods of the daily work, when it is sleepy, hungry or wanting to go to the bathroom.


As for the period of the planning, it presents difficulty to fulfill it, since, its communication is little fluid, therefore, the spaces are exchanged. It is also observed that, the girl plays in some moments in the company of other children (as), where she visualizes her preference for kitchen objects, dolls, objects to put together, tacos, also, shows social smile, looks at the face , attention to the voice in interactive situation, follow-up of direct orders (give me, come, keep, spaces are closed, do not leave the room ...), anticipatory behaviors of a very low level. When organizing the spaces, it requires the adult to practice the rules of order and cleanliness; however, the instruction is given twice and he is willing to collaborate with the arrangement of the same.


On the other hand, it presents eating habits, hygiene, personal grooming and rest, although it requires the teachers in some moments to eat, go to the bathroom, put on their shoes and sleep. However, when breakfast is almost entirely alone, instead of lunch, requires the full presence of the teacher.


Now, the spontaneous verbal emissions are very frequent, practically during the whole day, at the beginning they were monosyllabic (mom, dad, arepa, among others), contrary to the present, because they clearly express their ideas such as I want to pee, I want water, among others. As for comprehensive language, it responds to its name and emphatic "no". Understands, executes simple verbal commands in well-defined situations and with gestural support.


Regarding the plastic expression, the girl colors in a disorderly way without taking care of space or shapes with the colors of her preferences, where she shows the names of the colors correctly, among which she recognizes yellow, blue, red, green, white, meat, purple and black. It should be noted, at the time of expressing his opinion, he does so spontaneously, as he becomes notorious when he makes scribbles and expresses his pleasure.


On the other hand, the corporal expression has been notorious the change that the girl has had, since she participates in the neuromuscular conditioning where she is notorious that she observes both the teachers and the children to copy the movements (stretch of hands, feet, neck ) run, walk, jog, crawl, have balance on the table with the help of the teacher.


For musical expression, enjoy listening to music and singing the different songs that children sing (as) such as chewing gum, ate bread, manduco, monkeys, among others. Similarly, sing the lyrics of the Trujillo State Hymn, it is important to highlight, while performing actions sing what pleases you, likewise, begin by paying attention when a video or movie is projected; however, it requires the teacher to achieve said action. Additionally, the girl counts the numbers from 1 to 21, has some notions of day and night. It also groups the objects according to a specifically colored characteristic.


Based on this, there was a transformation in the change of attitude to intervene pedagogically to the girl in three moments before, during and after the C.E.I. "Los Capullitos", in order to modify those aspects, elements or factors that are susceptible to improvement. Under this approach, it was possible to conclude that through this intervention, both the girl and the other people were integrated into the process, with a vision of cooperation, love, sincerity and tolerance. Likewise, the attitude of the teachers and staff of the institution towards children with special needs was improved, where they were integrated into some pedagogical activities, in order to understand the abilities and abilities of each one of the people regardless of their difficulties..


6. References

Álvarez, C. & San, J. (2012). La elección del estudio de caso en investigación educativa. Gazeta de Antropología, 28(1), artículo 14, ISSN: 0214-7564. Recuperado de: http://www.ugr.es/~pwlac/G28_14Carmen_Alvarez-JoseLuis_SanFabian.html


Federación Autismo Andalucía (2005a,b). TEA Trastorno del espectro autista. Guía para su detección precoz. Sevilla, España: Edición Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Salud.


Galindo, S. (2013). “Trastornos del espectro autista en las aulas de educación infantil De Segovia: Propuesta de Intervención con sistemas Alternativos y aumentativos de la Comunicación”. Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio de Segovia. Campus María Zambrano. Recuperado de: https://uvadoc.uva.es/bitstream/10324/3151/1/TFG-B.193.pdf


Jury, K., & Ballesteros, J. (2009). Inclusión Escolar y Autismo. Qué hacer cuando tenemos un niño con autismo en el salón – algunas recomendaciones para los profesores, (s.p.). Recuperado de: http://inclusionescolaryautismo.blogspot.com/2009/12/que-hacer-cuando-tenemos-un-nino-con.html


Ley Orgánica de Educación (2009). Gaceta Oficial N.º 5.929, Extraordinario del 15 de agosto del 2009. Caracas, Venezuela: La Asamblea Nacional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela.


Miguel, L., & Rodríguez, S. (2009). Estudio de caso: Autismo infantil. Wordpress.com. Recuperado de: https://educacionespecial4.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/autismoinfantil.pdf


Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (2003). Los aspectos pedagógicos de los trastornos del espectro autista. Olympia, WA: Oficina de la Superintendencia de Enseñanza Pública. Recuperado de: http://www.ite.educacion.es/formacion/materiales/185/cd/material_complementario/m4/Aspectos_pedagogicos.pdf


Riviére, A. (2001). Autismo, Orientaciones para la intervención educativa. Madrid: Editorial Trotta.


Sabino, C. (2002). El proceso de investigación. Venezuela: Editorial Panapo.


Schreibman, L., & Koegel, R. (1981). A guideline for planning behavior modification programs for autistic children. En Turner, K., Calhoun, K., & Adams, H. (Eds.). Handboock of Clinical Behavior Therapy, pp. 500-526. New York: Wiley.



Vanessa Alexandra Briceño Matheus

e-mail: alexandrab30@hotmail.com


Born in Valera, Trujillo state, Venezuela. Graduated from the Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”. Master's Degree in Management of Basic Education Magister Scientiarum 2014; Bachelor of Education in Basic Integral Mention at Universidad de los Andes Núcleo Universitario Rafael Rangel, 2010. Higher University Technician in Computer Science at the Instituto Universitario de Tecnología del estado Trujillo, 2008 and Online Diploma in Neuropsychological Evaluation of Child Development, Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Críticos de Oaxaca A.C., 2016. I currently work in the Initial Education Center "Los Capullitos" and in the Universidad Alonso de Ojeda.


The content of this manuscript is disseminated under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International


- Original Version in Spanish -

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29394/Scientific.issn.2542-2987.2018.