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The Technology and its Incidence in the Society of
Knowledge in School Age
Author: Tania Margarita Martínez de Padrón
Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe, ULAC
Caracas, Venezuela
The essay to present bases its content on the impact that is causing the
use of information technology and communication in the knowledge society of
school age, specifically in the Venezuelan Primary Education. It is emphasized
in the development of the same, the participation of the teacher before the
utility of these means and the orientation that this one offers to the
students. Likewise, the public policies on ICT and education offered by the
Venezuelan Government, the possession of ICT in homes and the impact of new
technologies on the daily work of children and adolescents in primary education
are highlighted. Along the same, the conditions are specified to be able to
develop a significant technological learning and its connection with the
achievement of a collective intelligence. It is worth noting that the essay
sees the situation in relation to the aforementioned technologies and the
challenges faced by the teacher to make the most of learning and to make the
knowledge society well-known among school children.
Keywords: technology; social system;
Date Received: 09-10-2017 |
Date Acceptance: 02-12-2017 |
Tecnología y su Incidencia en la Sociedad del Conocimiento en la Edad Escolar
El ensayo a presentar
basa su contenido en el impacto que está ocasionando la utilización de la
tecnología de la información y la comunicación en la sociedad del conocimiento
en edad escolar, específicamente en la educación Primaria Venezolana. Se
destaca en el desarrollo del mismo, la participación del docente ante la
utilidad de estos medios y la orientación que este brinda a los escolares.
Asimismo, se destacan las políticas públicas en materia de TIC y educación que
brinda el Gobierno Venezolano, la tenencia de las TIC en los hogares y el
impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en el quehacer diario de los niños, niñas y
adolescentes de la educación primaria. A lo largo del mismo, se especifican las
condiciones para poder desarrollar un aprendizaje tecnológico significativo y
su vinculación con el logro de una inteligencia colectiva. Cabe destacar, que
el ensayo vislumbra la situación frente a las mencionadas Tecnologías y los
retos a los que se enfrenta el docente para el aprovechamiento en el
aprendizaje y facilitar que sea bien denominado en los escolares la sociedad
del conocimiento.
Palabras clave: tecnología; sistema social; conocimiento.
Fecha de Recepción: 09-10-2017 |
Fecha de Aceptación: 02-12-2017 |
1. Introduction
Information and communication technology (ICT), with
the boom it gained from the seventies, began a revolution in this area that has
no regression and that has caused all societies of different ages to change
their ways of life for one in which ICT had an outstanding role in relation to
human relations and education.
In this regard, highlights Meirinhos and Osório
(2011): that "is beginning a new stage in the history of man, where
through his intelligence will begin to develop more sophisticated and useful
technologies for the benefit of a society in constant change and
evolution" (p.35).
In relation to the above, in Venezuela as in the rest
of the world, different types of gaps have been faced in order to incorporate
ICTs into their way of life, adapt as they advance to achieve a collective
intelligence, advancing to a society of knowledge through Technologies,
specifically in primary education.
In this regard, the Ministry of Popular Power for
Education, is taking giant steps so that school children are on par with the
new changes in technology, by providing students and teachers with
sophisticated tools such as laptops. Through which the aforementioned
educational actors can exchange content and make the educational act a true
technological learning.
After these considerations, it will be analyzed during
the development how the educational act is experienced before the technological
tools and the role of the teacher before the current society that is being
formed in the Venezuelan educational centers, that base their day to day in the
networks of the Internet.
2. Development
Technological tools and
their slight changes have promoted the vision of new thought patterns and new
social groups, among them, according to Prensky (2010): they could be called
digital natives, these being a new generation of people who possess the
technological knowledge, which has developed new behaviors and is destined to
make a striking change within the organizations to which they offer and provide
their services.
According to the previous
approach, the aforementioned author, argues that the society in formation
around the world has thousands of hours accumulated behind a computer,
interacting through video games, videochats, emails, and in different social
networks of the Internet For this generation, assimilating information and making
decisions is a quick task, as well as processing parallel information.
When referring to the
social group of previous decades, we find those over 30 years old named by the
aforementioned author, "digital immigrants", who have learned to
handle information, but have not grown up with it. Therefore, this group is the
one who demonstrates disinterest in incorporating them in daily work,
especially in their work routine as in the case of the teaching profession.
Accordingly, it is
highlighted that through the visits made to some primary education centers in
Venezuela, especially in Miranda state, the author of this essay can attest
that the work of teachers is far from the implementation in the classrooms of
technological tools and there is no promotion among school children to acquire
knowledge of the content they teach. To this particular, Torres (2012a):
He emphasizes that it
is important to note that the majority of the Venezuelan population of any age
has contact and access to a computer and the Internet. Being these two
resources a fundamental and important part to be able to be integrated in a
dynamic, informed and communicated society, well-known as the knowledge society
However, these generations are observed, especially
teachers, who remain under an old paradigm of continuing to do more of the same
and stay away from innovation, leaving to put into practice, the creation of
blogs, forums and other cutting-edge technology strategies, they only present
their schoolchildren, the society of the future, blackboard and notebooks.
In this order of ideas, it should be noted that in
Venezuela, according to the aforementioned author, the most active population
in the Tic routine is school age, considering that this population is the one
that is more motivated to use than in that age is attended by an educational
institution and therefore have the need to use these tools and is the
population easier to adapt to technologies, however, there is no guidance from
the teacher for the school to venture into this dizzying world .
The aforementioned, emphasizes the same author, that
"in Venezuela the use that netizens of school age give to the Internet, is
to access social networks, download music and almost in the last places are
access to continuous instruction, visit forums specialized" (Torres,
2012b, p.86).
It is noteworthy that, above all, the young population
uses the internet mainly as a means of entertainment and amusement, and little
is used as a source of research, or with didactic and educational use. That is
why the participation of the teacher is imperative, motivated that according to
Tadesco (2011: 41): this concentration of knowledge and information in the circuits
of new technologies such as the Internet, explains the need to incorporate
properly the technological dimension in democratic educational policies. He
continues adding that not doing so can condemn marginality to all those who are
outside the domain of the codes that allow these instruments to be managed.
It is clear that the use of ICT, especially in the
youngest population is based on the little guidance provided by the school, if
this, since the child enters the schools was directed in this regard, school
children could seize of her in a reasonable way in favor of her training.
In Venezuela, according to Morales (2015): the use of
ICTs is growing, but it is also true that in the country there is a lack of
guidance in schoolchildren that does not allow technology to be used for what
they were created and This disinformation is motivated by the low level of use
that teachers assign to it. Massive facilitation to the guild is imperative so
that it is taken to the classroom and exploited to achieve significant learning
in the technological field.
It should be noted that among the educational policies
of the Venezuelan Government regarding the coverage and use of ICT in
education, is to ensure that the entire population gradually has access to
technologies, starting with programs where all Schools from the initial level
must be equipped with computers and internet. That is why a laptop has been
assigned to children, adolescents and teachers, with the intention that there
is a positive exchange between these actors.
However, this has been considered a problem, motivated
to not train teachers to implement this resource so valuable in the classroom
constantly, leaving this as inappropriate for the teacher, since he finds no
motivation to plan strategies and deliver content for the learning of children
and adolescents.
It is
necessary to refer to the so-called knowledge society, which is referred to
citizens' capacity to prepare, to develop their research and innovation
possibilities and to create adequate creativity to process information and
knowledge. In this sense, it can be differentiated that the information society
is not equal to the knowledge society.
information society is the first concept to be developed in the seventies and
eighties. Considering the information society exclusively as an information
consumer. It will be with the takeoff of the Internet and technological
innovations that begins to have an evident effect on societies. (Palomares,
2012, p.89).
highlights the author that the knowledge society develops towards the end of
the nineties when the technological takeoff is hopeless and the scope of
technology begins to surpass what was imagined.
this regard, the knowledge society is a society that is distinguished by
consuming, producing and distributing information and knowledge. Thus,
technological progress is the engine that manages to change a society only
informed by a producer society, which is in greater contact with the
technologies and use them in order to create networks of collective
accordance with the above, Marqués, (cited in Ferreira, 2016a): states that the
information society is the basis of the knowledge society, since the
information society includes the social, cultural, political, economic and
institutional. The concept of the knowledge society is preferable to that of
the information society, because it better captures the complexity and dynamism
of the changes that are taking place today.
On the
basis of the foregoing, both concepts are related and describe the behavior of
the society in which we live. A society full of information, but that has
learned to relate and create own knowledge to stop being only spectator to
become an active subject.
such an approach, what Sanchez describes (2010a, p.3), is related: when it
refers to "the technological apprehension of children develops naturally,
intuitively and freely, it also highlights that the intense technological
emergency that will characterize the development of the Knowledge Society
requires very open, intuitive, flexible and unattached minds of the known, and
in this context children have advantages associated with their growth and
learning process.
It is
in this way that through the Knowledge Society, collective intelligence can be
achieved on a larger scale, communicating and creating educational networks
where all human beings are able to share and create knowledge based on the
reality that each one lives, and of their different experiences and knowledge
that only they know and share to make a richer, deeper, productive, varied and,
above all, significant knowledge.
this basis, it is important to highlight what was described by Sánchez (2010b),
The presence of children and adolescents
in social networks promotes shared information and the development of a
collaborative and cooperative function that is transforming the traditional
social models of relationships based on institutional instruments. Networks
communicate to us, and collective communication helps us to pool our problems
and seek collective formulas for development. This is another of the trends in
the Knowledge Society that are spreading rapidly among the child population.
Once the stable and plural communication is consolidated, the experiences of
sharing and cooperative development emerge (p.5).
It is
therefore raised that it is of utmost importance the work of the teacher of
primary education in the educational orientation of these media, as knowledge
and thinking are acts that are carried out collectively and not in isolation,
it will be with a society of knowledge that an adequate and responsible use of
Technologies can be made provided that they are correctly directed towards
3. Conclusion
Now thinking about incorporating Technologies into
knowledge societies of school age, we can take into account what has been
described by Majfud (2008): who states that "education is a specialty of
culture: its function is human development in a given area that includes physical
and psychological security, economic development, the development of
existential experience through art" (p.1).
That is why it would be a great challenge if plans and
programs designed in the current context of Venezuelans are developed, especially
in the context of current students, if it is carried out without copying models
alien to our reality, we can talk about technological authenticity. It should
be noted that ICT was created to simplify the lives of students and open up
multiple possibilities to make their education meaningful.
Nowadays, it is already evident that school-age
society is intimately linked to the technological field, mastering these tools
with great skill, therefore, teachers must understand that the change of
paradigm is timely and necessary.
On this basis, we must think about the transformation
of the teacher's strategies in a different way, starting from the university
training, introducing in the career study curriculum, subjects that have to do
directly with the inclusion of technology and the Internet within the classroom
and change the pedagogical landscape in Venezuelan primary education.
It is to assert, in agreement with Ferreira (2016b):
that the teacher, by employing technological strategies in the teaching of any
subject or creative ability, will be significant to the knowledge society of
school age, and in particular, through the Internet, applying the techniques
adequate, they will be able to evidence changes never before seen on the part
of the students in their performance within the educational centers and their
To this particular, there must be a sensitization to
the higher authorities so that, jointly with the government, the transformation
in the pedagogical technological area begins. Thus, knowledge societies with
all their accumulations of creativity and intelligence capabilities will play a
leading role in education, as a permanent, updated and meaningful education
will be achieved.
To conclude, it is necessary to insist on the
transformation of the exercise of the teaching profession, to train educators
to educate a true citizen of the future, which is glimpsed with increasingly
sophisticated tools, before which the figure of the teacher should not
disappear. This must continue to be the guide and guidance of the knowledge
society at school age. On this basis, we seek to think and look at the
Technologies and the Knowledge Society at school age from a single perspective,
which is to get individuals to integrate into knowledge societies according to
the innovative tools that are being presented.
4. References
Ferreira, E. (2016a,b). La formación del Docente del Siglo XXI.
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Majfud, J. (2008). La
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Edita: Distribuidora SEK, S.A., Impresión: Albatros, S.L. Adaptación al
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Palomares, I. (2012). La Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
Sánchez, J. (2010a,b). Nuevos Escenarios de Participación Infantil en la Sociedad del
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Tadesco, J. (2011). Los
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Tania Margarita Martínez de Padrón
e-mail: tania.martinez10@gmail.com
Born in Venezuela. Graduated in Education graduated from the Universidad
Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez (UNERS). Specialist in Planning and
Evaluation (UNERS). Diploma in Research. Universidad Nacional Experimental de
la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (UNEFA). Magister Scientiarum in
Educational Technology. Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Fuerza Armada
Nacional Bolivariana (UNEFA). PhD student in Education Sciences, Universidad
Latinoamericana y del Caribe (ULAC). Deputy Director and Classroom Teacher in the exercise of: U.E.E.
"The cross". Postgraduate Professor of the Universidad
Nacional Experimental de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (UNEFA). Postgraduate Thesis Tutor (UNEFA).
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- Original Version in Spanish -
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29394/Scientific.issn.2542-2987.2018.