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Adaptación de Alumnos según estilos de Afrontamiento
Individual al Primer año de la Carrera de Arquitectura
Autora: Omaira Andreina
Márquez Ramírez
Universidad Pedagógica
Experimental Libertador, UPEL
Barinas, Venezuela
Local participation is considered, as a mechanism of action for the
rescue of green areas, so research seeks to create a conservationist conscience
in the inhabitants that make life in the community, as to the need to maintain
an environment in good condition, Therefore, aims to promote the construction
of ornamental gardens as a strategy for local participation in the
beautification of green areas in the Community of Morrocoy Coast, Barinas
Municipality, Barinas State. For the theoretical contributions that support the
research were consulted, different authors and approach related to local
participation and ornamental gardens. It was developed within the qualitative
paradigm and focused on a participatory action research, in relation to the
field design, since the data collection was done directly from the subjects
investigated, with respect to the informants, were taken, four (04) subjects of
study, as for the technique and instrument of data collection was used the
interview as well as the interview script whose results will be analyzed
through the triangulation process itself with the intention of giving a
response to the purposes of the investigation.
Keywords: community
participation; communities; environment.
Date Received: 17-06-2017 |
Date Acceptance: 07-10-2017 |
Ornamentales como Estrategia de Participación local en el Embellecimiento de
Áreas Verdes
La participación local es considerada, como mecanismo de acción para el rescate de las áreas verdes, por tanto la
investigación persigue, crear
una conciencia conservacionista en los habitantes que hacen vida en la
comunidad, en cuanto a la necesidad de mantener un ambiente en buenas
condiciones, por consiguiente, plantea
como meta fundamental promover
la construcción de jardines ornamentales como estrategia de participación local
en el embellecimiento de áreas verdes en la Comunidad Costa de Morrocoy,
Municipio Barinas, Estado Barinas. Para los aportes teóricos que sustentan la
investigación se consultaron, diferentes autores y enfoque
relativos a la participación local y jardines ornamentales. La misma se
desarrolló dentro del paradigma cualitativo y centrado en una investigación
acción participante, en relación al diseño es de campo, por cuanto la recolección de datos se realizó
directamente de los sujetos investigados, en lo que respecta a los informantes,
se tomaron, cuatros (04) sujetos objetos de estudio, en cuanto a la técnica e
instrumento de recolección de datos se utilizó la entrevista así como el guion
de entrevista
cuyos resultados se analizarán mediante el proceso de triangulación la misma
con la intencionalidad de dar repuesta a los propósitos de la investigación.
Palabras clave: participación comunitaria; comunidad; medio
Fecha de Recepción: 17-06-2017 |
Fecha de Aceptación: 07-10-2017 |
1. Introduction
In this regard Loyo (2013), believes
that the "application of ecological methods reduces soil degradation, thus
evading the action of erosive agents, therefore, the planting of ornamental
plants in a traditional way, strengthen the ecological aspects, as allows to
create conservationist conscience in those who practice this style of
cultivation". (p.4) Similarly, it seeks to improve the use of fertilizers
and the proper management of water, either rain or used for irrigation; and the
use of green fertilizers as an ecological culture is sought, in order to give
greater use to natural resources, as well as the conservation of them.
Under this trend, Sierra (2012), notes "with the
implementation of environmental measures for the preservation of green areas
have been creating independent development models, which ensure active natural
spaces in communities and their adjacencies" (p.98). This has promoted a
series of values and attitudes necessary for a change towards behaviors that
are more respectful with the environment, a balanced environment will be
obtained, diversification and protection of plants, water conservation, soils,
and others will be used.
Regarding the green areas Ojeda and Espejel (2014),
they point:
With a wider vision the
green areas are constituted by all those parks, gardens, ridges, roundabouts,
natural areas and sports that are part of a certain city, which have gone from
being secondary elements of the landscape, with only aesthetic and recreational
purposes, to become areas of great importance, due to their functionality and
the ecological benefits they bring to society (p.5).
Considering this, it is estimated that with the
practice of the construction of ornamental gardens will be allowed to develop
awareness of various environmental problems present in the communities, in this
way adopt an awareness of the impact of the activities carried out on the
balance of the environment, giving it the importance of preserving
biodiversity, and acting responsibly and respectfully with respect to the
conservation of the environment, which the same author, Kreuter (2005), affirms
in relation to gardens.
He defines them as an expression in which he resorts to different
elements, plants and technical means for the creation of certain green spaces,
a garden will not only take care with care, the health of the soil, will be
paid by recycling their own materials, therefore, to achieve a good garden it
is necessary to know how to distribute them according to their species (p.11).
the participation in the environmental development of any social organization,
is ready to address the different situations that directly generate needs that
can not be resolved from the governmental entities. In this regard, Villegas
(2014), points out that in the communities "... there must be plans and
projects framed in local development as a way to guarantee the imminently
effective and effective course of community organizations in terms of social,
political, economic development, environmental yearning" (p.14). That is
why, from this point of view, citizen participation as a political and social
fact is glimpsed in the scope that in a holistic way, it must project to
achieve the goals that are planned from this process.
regard to Latin America, Restrepo (2015), considers that, ornamental gardens,
is a measure that has been responding to certain policies of natural
beautification; which can be developed in small existing lands in the community
and their houses, where ornamental species are planted that embellish the
community space. At the same time, it is possible to reflect on the need to
undertake actions that lead to an integration of the educational institution
community for a better conservation of the environment and quality of community
the case of Colombia Medellín, gardening is increasingly articulated to current
trends in contemporary landscaping, characterized by eclecticism or fusion of
garden styles and concepts; and greatly assisted by technology as a key feature
of design and function. A potentially innovative competition that, however,
often leads to landscape practices or lightened or borrowed planters, thanks to
the electronic immediacy of information and the rapid dissemination and export
of species, styles and designs that are carried to cities from very different
latitudes, implementing species, techniques and styles without greater
dependence on the local ecological context.
Venezuela, Díaz (2014), states that in Venezuela there is a great diversity of
plants with important ornamental qualities that are ignored by the
arboriculturists and have been little studied from an urbanistic point of view.
The disclosure of the benefits and uses of these plants is a fundamental aspect
to be considered in the planning and expansion of urban and rural communities,
given that in recent years the integral conception of the environment has been
promoted, through social activities. environmental, the protection of
biodiversity and socio-diversity; as well as understanding and addressing
environmental issues, integrating all community, educational and governmental
to all of the above, the protagonist participation of families and communities
arises, from the vision of self-management, co-responsibility and integral
development. These come to fill that space that was previously arranged for
circulation or leisure, which can go from a window, small materos, to familiar
and communal gardens, now used for community beautification, aimed primarily at
guaranteeing open and healthy natural environments, exploiting the benefits of
the rich tropical environment.
It is worth noting that
through the community ornamental gardens, we seek to strengthen the culture of
community solidarity work, in the same way the importance of caring for plants,
the acquisition of values that allow the development of an environmental
culture, for the balance of nature, as well as the mechanisms for the good use
that should be given to natural resources, in this way the community ornamental
gardens are a fundamental part, for the recovery of green areas, given that
despite the environmental policies with which the country enjoys , the
deterioration of the green areas is evidenced with deep concern.
Under this
perspective and in view of the reality of the environmental problems that the
Venezuelan State has been presenting, taking as a basis the deterioration of
the vegetal layer resulting from the process of construction and expansion of
populated areas, the Costa de Morrocoy Community is taken as an object of
study, San Silvestre Parish, Barinas Municipality, Barinas State, considering
it necessary, since this community lacks ornamental gardens, with sufficient
spaces for construction, in this sense the rescue of green areas, is due to the
lack of motivation and awareness of the inhabitants of the community, in this
sense it is intended with the approach of research the promotion of
construction of gardens of ornamental gardens with the participation of the
community, considering that in this way the citizen values will be
strengthened, in the search for the conservation of the environment
Therefore, the general purpose
of the investigation is based on Promoting the construction of ornamental gardens
as a strategy of local participation in the beautification of green areas in
the Morrocoy Coast Community, San Silvestre Parish, Barinas Municipality,
Barinas State.
2. Theoretical references
2.1. Local development
Morales (2006), considered that the initiatives of
local development take force in the decade of the Eighties of the last century,
with the exhaustion of the fondista model of development that, for that time,
did not adjust to the exigencies of the development reached by the productive
forces. The technological progress of that stage posed the need to look for
much more flexible and efficient productive forms that would guarantee a higher
quality of the productions, according to the new requirements of the world
to the theory of local economic development, it was extremely difficult to
achieve the aforementioned within the framework of the model of forist
production. The idea that this technological and organizational restructuring,
this much more flexible productive adjustment, is in fact more feasible in the
area of local territory, the empowerment of endogenous resources, is
beginning to take hold. In this sense, there is a significant change in the
conceptualization of development along with the vision of exogenous development
that promotes the attraction of capital and external companies to boost the
economic growth of a territory.
In this way, the source highlighted, that is the strength of
the notion of local economic development, where local development processes
occur thanks to the efficient use of local economic potential, which is
facilitated by the proper functioning of institutions and mechanisms of
regulation of the territory.
2.2. Ornamental gardens
De la Cruz (2011), pointed out that "a garden is
an outdoor open space populated by plant species of various ornamental
characteristics and with some constructions for rest and recreation of humans"
(p.5). It is therefore a space created by and for men without greater
pretension than that of human enjoyment and contemplation. They are spaces that
are made without an economic purpose since they do not report any benefit by
themselves, but we do have to take into account that it is necessary to
dedicate time and money for their correct maintenance, since if we let many of
those species grow and develop according to their natural appearance would lose
the ornamental characteristics of the original design of the garden, and many
of them would not fit with the planting frames that are used in gardening. It
is necessary, therefore, to take into account that an economic item will have
to be allocated to the maintenance of the garden.
Similarly, the source said that an ornamental garden
can only be preserved if it has been well planted, for which it is essential to
know and study gardening, everything related to plants, land and irrigation,
which will depend on the need water from there that a garden reaches the
fullness of its beauty after many years of being planted; its construction
lasts on average two years and its permanence reflects the conditions in which
it was established. The garden is a luxury, a place of recreation and leisure,
in the layout of the garden must take into account the orientation, climate,
water, soil, total area and orography, existing vegetation, if any, and how you
want or would like it to be. The orientation of the terrain is decisive to
project a garden and make the selection of the plants that are most suitable
for each area. Finally, he said that in the gardens already planted there are
no precise guidelines because the enclosures, trees and the rest of the planted
vegetation have modified the hours of the sun inside, creating their own
shadows and microclimates, in this sense planting gardens in community areas
are great advantage for the recovery of idle green areas which, when used,
become a benefit for the community, for being part of the leisure and
recreation hours.
2.3. Community participation
Under the concept of community participation is expressed,
that communities organized in the search for the common good and the solution
of the problems that may arise, can adopt mechanisms of participation, this
sense, the legal framework of the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela it refers to citizen participation, in which case article 62
considers, verbatim, the following: All citizens have the right to participate
freely in public affairs, directly or through their elected or elected
representatives. The participation of the people in the formation, execution
and control of public management is the necessary means to achieve the leading
role that guarantees their complete development, both individually and
this way, the conscious and voluntary participation of citizens in the solution
of socio-environmental problems is a vitally important factor, which must be
taken into consideration for the promotion of community activities that allow
inserting the participation of citizens, as well as training of values based
on the conservation of the environment, in this case the construction of
ornamental gardens for the benefit of citizens.
3. Legal Bases
As far as the legal bases are concerned, the present
investigation will have support from a legal point of view in the Constitution
of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, where the concern with the
preservation of the environment is reflected.
In this sense, article 127. Express the following:
It is
a right and duty of each generation to protect and maintain the environment for
the benefit of itself and the future world. Everyone has the right individually
and collectively to enjoy a life and a safe, healthy and ecologically balanced
regard to this article, our constitution plays a leading role in the research
proposal, considering that it is the legal element that supports this
investigation, in virtue of which it highlights the duty that citizens have to
protect the environment.
the magna carta stands out in its articles (128 and 129) The duty that the
state has to develop environmental policies that allow for the ecological and
environmental reality of the populations to be addressed, in the search to
conserve the environment.
3.1. Organic
Law of the Environment. Title III of the environmental planning (2006).
According to this, article 26 of the Organic Law of
the Environment, contemplates the following:
The planning of the
environment is circumscribed to an integral and hierarchical system of plans,
whose fundamental instrument is the national plan of territorial planning. The
national environmental plan will be developed with a binding nature by all the
organs and entities of the national, state and municipal public power, as well
as the communal councils. The environmental plans, national, regional, state,
municipal and local conform the national system for the planning of the
environment and are fundamental instruments of public management in
environmental matters.
In accordance with the provisions of this
article, reference is made to the objectives that must be taken into
consideration for the effective planning process in the field of the
environment, which is of vital importance for the development of relative
activities, for the conservation of the environment, hence these articles are
relevant in the research addressed, being that they allow to consolidate the
context of planning.
3.2. Organic Law on Security of the
Nation Title I. Fundamental Provisions.
1. The purpose of this Law
is to regulate the activity of the State and society, in matters of security
and integral defense, in accordance with the constitutional guidelines,
principles and purposes.
2: Security of the Nation. The
security of the Nation is based on integral development, and is the condition,
state or situation that guarantees the enjoyment and exercise of the rights and
guarantees in the economic, social, political, cultural, geographical,
environmental and military spheres of the principles and constitutional values
by the population, institutions and each of the people that make up the State
and society, with a generational projection, within a democratic, participatory
and protagonist system, free of threats to their survival, their sovereignty
and the integrity of its territory and other geographical spaces.
According to these articles, it is considered the duty
of the state to ensure the development of environmental policies, which allow
for the strengthening of the active and leading participation of society, hence
the importance at the legal, social and political levels. that has been given
to environmental education, through a series of actions leading to the
comprehensive management of the environmental system, with the aim of achieving
an adequate quality of life, preventing or mitigating environmental problems,
seeking the most viable way to achieve a balance for the rational use of
resources, protection and conservation of the environment.
4. Methodological framework
4.1. Nature of the
The present study is based on
promoting the construction of ornamental gardens as a strategy of local
participation in the beautification of green areas in the Morrocoy Coast
Community, San Silvestre Parish, Barinas Municipality, Barinas State. The study
is based on the qualitative approach, since it tries to understand people
within their frame of reference, so it is essential to experience reality as
others experience it. According to Martínez (2008), he affirms that
"qualitative research tries to identify the profound nature of realities,
their dynamic structure. What is desired is the detailed analysis of a
particular issue or activity, ie; what is sought is to solve in detail the
situation or problem studied" (p.24).
4.2. Type of Research
With respect to the type of research, it will be
guided by the Participatory Action Research, which means that the researcher
also participates in the study and is within the observed context of the
phenomenon, in addition to sharing with the inhabitants of the community. In
this regard, Hernández, Fernández, and Baptista (2008), point out that:
Descriptive studies independently measure the
concepts or variables with which it has to do; although of course you can
integrate the measurements of each of these variables to tell how the
phenomenon of interest is and is manifested. Since you work in a geographical
area and with "people" or "subjects", who are the sources
of knowledge, using as instruments different types of observation, surveys,
interviews, questionnaires, tests or tests to make inquiries (p.16).
In accordance with the aforementioned, the present investigation is
pertinent, since the purpose is the intervention of the researcher to promote
the construction of ornamental gardens as a strategy of local participation in
the beautification of green areas in the Community of Morrocoy coast, Parroquia
San Silvestre, Barinas Municipality, Barinas State.
4.3. Design of the investigation
study was anchored within a field design. In this sense According to the author
Arias (2007), defines: Field research is one that involves the collection of
data directly from the subjects investigated, or the reality where the events
occur (primary data), without manipulating or controlling variable some, that
is, the researcher obtains the information, but does not alter the existing
conditions. Hence its character of non-experimental research.
It is important to reflect that, through the instrumentation of the
established design, it is considered opportune to carry out a diagnosis of the
reality that has to see the construction of ornamental gardens as a strategy of
local participation in the beautification of green areas in the Community of
Morrocoy coast , San Silvestre Parish, Barinas Municipality, Barinas State.
4.4. Stages
of the Study.
The Participant Observation: This will be carried out through different visits made
to the community in order to perceive the problem according to the opinions and
manifestations of the members of the community, which will allow identifying
the problem in a timely manner as the support of the members of the community.
b). Participatory Research: Once the problem is identified, the theoretical-methodological
aspects that refer to the subject will be described, which is why different
conceptual and legal strata will be analyzed, which support the research from
the theoretical point of view. In this way the methodological features in which
the study is inscribed will be described, they guide the study methodologically
in a significant way.
c). Participatory Action: This phase will be developed through the informative
and communicative interaction between the researchers and the community, giving
way to the proposal of actions that seek to give immediate response to the
evidenced problem.
d). The evaluation: In this last phase, the means of verification will be
applied to establish the achievements, weaknesses and situations to be improved
during the implementation of the action plan prepared to respond to the problem
that has been raised.
4.5. Key informants
A key informant is a person
who has sufficient knowledge of the area investigated, and their input and
experience is valuable for the subject under study, in relation to it, Parra
(2006), states that the observation unit or informant is the one by means of
which the information is obtained, that is, it is the reporting unit.
Therefore, it is indicated that the informant units of the
current study were four (04) individuals who live in the Community of Morrocoy
Abajo, belonging to the San Silvestre parish, which were chosen as active
members of the community, knowledgeable about the situations that affect the
community environment.
4.6. Research techniques and data collection
Regarding data collection techniques, these can be considered as the
procedures that the researcher manipulates to collect the information required
in the design of the research. To the foregoing Arias (2012), expressed
"are the different ways or ways to obtain information" (p.53). Given
the nature of this research, and depending on the data required, the techniques
used were the interview and observation, which were applied to the participants
of the research addressed in the community, in which case they were taken to
four (04) individuals from whom an attempt is made to obtain information
relevant to the object of the research addressed.
Regarding the instruments of records of the interviews, recorder and
reminder sheets were used. All this with the intention of giving fidelity to
the answers and opinions for a better use of the data.
5. Conclusions
Regarding the final
considerations of the investigation, the conclusions emerge, based on the
objectives relevant to the study.
In this way the first
objective defined diagnose the conditions of the gardens that are in the
Morrocoy Coast Community, San Silvestre Parish, Barinas Municipality for the
recovery of recreational and leisure spaces for it, the detailed description of
the desired context is made improve, is to describe reality as objectively as
possible and then determine if it is necessary to present an alternative to
regenerate the problem.
the second objective, which refers to Planning local participation strategies
aimed at the construction of community gardens for the beautification of green
areas in the Community of Morrocoy coast, San Silvestre Parish, Barinas
Municipality, is specified in the pedagogical contributions that they are
offered that can be provided to the community to improve the problem.
With regard to the
third objective, to implement, through the participation of local members, the
beautification of the green areas of the Costa de Morrocoy Community, San
Silvestre Parish, Barinas Municipality, is to consolidate the proposal to
involve the community in the activities related to the conservation of the
the fourth objective, Evaluate the local participation evidenced during the
construction of community gardens for the beautification of green areas in the
This objective also
seeks to create a conservationist consciousness in the inhabitants who live in
the community. To make them aware of the need to maintain an environment in
good conditions, through citizen participation.
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Omaira Andreina Márquez Ramírez
e-mail: omairamarquez89@gmail.com
Natural of Barinas, Barinas State, Venezuela.
Professor in Education mention Integral Education graduated from the Universidad
Nacional Experimental de los llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora (UNELLEZ).
Currently she is a classroom teacher at N.E.R. 315 of the San Silvestre Parish
in the Escuela Costa de Morrocoy Abajo.
He has participated in Workshops such as: Efficient
Work Teams, Micro Operator Courses under Windows Milenium Environment, First
Aid course, Emotional Intelligence Conference, Certificate: Professional
Practices III, as an Excellent Companion, his Punctuality and Solidarity during
the Internship period in the Escuela Básica Bolivariana El Arenal. Center
Escolar Rural N.E.R. 147. Barinas State Barinas.
The content of this
manuscript is disseminated under a Creative Commons License
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
- Original Version in
Spanish -
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29394/Scientific.issn.2542-2987.2018.