Ethics... Stage of Confrontation Between the Know and Be
Author: Jackson Alejandro Viera Terán
Universidad Fermín Toro, UFT
Lara, Venezuela
Ethics includes the way
of reflecting on morality; looking to legalize ethical principles; being these
international because they are shared and are appropriate by the subjects,
apart from the values that may have and the morality that applies in society
or context. Therefore, ethics as a philosophy starts from the reason of the
individual, what he does, how he does it and why he does it, imbricated in the
deliberate attachment of values. From there, self-determination is centered on
dignity, which is sensitive, social, and with aspirations of the principle of
beneficence. Therefore, one can not talk about ethics in an institution without
having dealt with the person and human decency; influencing the respect of
citizens. In addition, it presumes a consent to the figure of the person,
society and institution. Consequently, in the present essay seek to glimpse the
ethics in its conception and the confrontation of knowledge and knowledge that
leads to a better understanding of the knowledge of the individual; developing,
skills, aptitudes and abilities that will allow you to have a better
development in your life and work environment.
Keywords: ethics; knowledge;
moral values.
Date Received: 17-11-2017 |
Date Acceptance: 13-03-2018 |
Escenario de Confrontación entre el Saber y el Ser
La ética comprende la
forma de reflexionar acerca de la moral; buscando a legalizar los principios
éticos; siendo estos internacionales porque se comparten y son apropiados por
los sujetos, aparte de los valores que pueda tener y la moral que aplica en la
sociedad o contexto. Por lo tanto, la ética como filosofía parte de la razón
del individuo, lo que hace, como lo hace y porque lo hace, imbricado en el
apego deliberado de los valores. De allí, la autodeterminación, está centrada
en la dignidad, que es sensible, social, y con aspiraciones del principio de
beneficencia. Por lo tanto, no se puede platicar de ética en una institución
sin haber abordado lo referente a la persona y la decencia humana; incidiendo en
el respeto de los ciudadanos. Además, presume un consentimiento hacia figura de
la persona, la sociedad y la institución. En consecuencia, en el presente
ensayo buscar vislumbrar la ética en su concepción y la confrontación del saber
y conocer que propicie un mejor entendimiento de los conocimientos del
individuo; desarrollando, destrezas, aptitudes y habilidades que le permitirán
tener un mejor desenvolvimiento en su vida y entorno laboral.
Palabras clave: ética; conocimiento; valores morales.
Fecha de Recepción: 17-11-2017 |
Fecha de Aceptación: 13-03-2018 |
1. A Way of Introduction
The postmodern society is propitiated by leaders of
evolution, growth and maturation, which move throughout the organizational environment
of educational institutions, from an ethical point of view. Additionally, the
leaders who are most concerned about people are determined by spreading the
information, reaching agreements, sharing the ideas of others, maintaining open
dialogues, caring carefully, potentials, attitudes, strengths, weaknesses,
needs, interests of the subjects; emphasizing by means of stimulation,
communication, interaction and flexible democracy between the parties.
Therefore, it is necessary that the leader manager
influences the organization, the personnel in charge, based on ethical-moral
aspects sponsored by the institution. This leads to the action of the leaders
will take place with the fact of promoting the inherent functions to the
position that carries out; taking into account the potentials, abilities and
skills of the worker.
In this order of ideas, the world increasingly becomes
competitive in what concerns the educational aspect, so it is important that,
at the same time of the potential and coexistence, be based on the disposition
of the daily work; focusing the harmony and patience among the workers. It is
necessary that elements such as creation, efficiency and talent, go hand in
hand with ethical principles and values. All this seeks that the institution
and its members reach competences in the development of behavior based on
ethics, responsibility, commitment, interaction, interpersonal relationships,
shared decision making, effective communications and leadership in the
promotion of the mission and vision of the organization.
It is important that educational leaders establish in
their planning the strengthening of desirable ethical values, in favor of the
benefits of organizations. Therefore, the intrinsic values of the people or
workers of the organizations must be fundamental. In this regard, Márquez
(2010), says that: "people behave according to the precepts of ethics,
because the good life, which is based on principles, allows us to live in
harmony with our peers and be, therefore, very happy and happy" (p.10). In
other words, it requires the construction of better living conditions, in which
there is harmony, well-being and cordiality with co-workers and based only on
productivity, but that is differentiated by a high ideal ethical level, where
it is put always impartiality, equality, dignity, honesty, virtues,
participation and welfare among all.
It is necessary that ethics should fully restore as
the main way of reflecting in practice to enhance all fields that have to do
with the human condition; focused on education. Ethics is based on educational
foundations, where the inner aspects of the individuals that work in an
institution are put in a palpable way, on the same, because otherwise an
automaton behavior will be reinforced.
Obviously, ethics can affect the behavior of the
organization in terms of raising productivity and human work, because in the
field of education when human capital is estimated, you get triumphant
institutions, working honestly, with equanimity, and social commitment; as an
essential element for society; promoting social, moral and ethical values in
the improvement of each of the employees.
2. The Ethics
Ethics comes from the derived ethical word, according
to the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia, cited by Uzcategui (2012), "from the
Latin ethica from the ancient Greek ἠθική [φιλοσοφία] moral philosophy, from the adjective of ἤθοςēthos custom, habit comes from the Greek Ethikos whose
meaning is Character" (p.107). This refers, the ethics derives from the Latin
ethica that means tradition of things with high incidence in the representation
in the moral and in the human works. Torres (2010), establishes that:
Ethics is a complex topic in which historical, legal, philosophical and
theological aspects are involved. Some students of human behavior find small
differences in the use of the words ethical and moral. This is because both
practically have the same meaning and relate to each other (p.32).
Interpreting the author, ethics represents a very
complex term because it involves authentic, logical, ideological and dogmatic
aspects, versed in the daily routine, traditional and customs that are
extensive to all human life; involving the signs of practices, fashions, rites
and honesty of the individual. This is because ethics and morals have
practically the same meaning and relate to one another. They are important to
be applied in the performance of workers; leading them to a harmonious climate,
making effective decisions and assertive communications.
Likewise, ethics is defined by López (2010): as
follows: "measured or regulated moral acts" (p.45). The author refers
that ethics is centered on those actions that can be mediated by man. In other
words, it seeks the change of attitudes in the individual, the behavior
according to good morals, moral, among others, that promote the behavior of
man, tending to establish relationships with their environment, in a harmonious
In this sense, Bautista (2007), states that:
"Ethics is the discipline of knowledge that studies the attitudes, habits
and customs of the human being. Study and explain why human behavior and
propose desirable ways to act" (p.22). This refers, ethics represents a
rule that delves into the qualities, everyday and traditional behavior of
individuals in order to act and develop in a society.
Therefore, ethics represents the application of
values, guidelines and attitudes in society. They are composed of civic ethics
in the institution; using the participation of citizens. From there, ethics in
education is part of the acceptance of collaborative ethical principles with
all the members of the institution; aiming at strengthening social commitment.
3. The Ethics ... Confrontation between Knowledge and
The being understands the entelechy of the individual
located in the plurality of their meanings, that is, in the time the events
occur, their thinking, language and identity; for this, it is necessary to have
capacities in enhancing the behavior that you agree to solve in order to have a
behavior that allows you to face the requirements that are found in daily life.
In this regard, Guzmán (2010a): states that "in the evolution of being as
an individual, the development of life skills are generated which access the
promotion of psychosocial competence" (p.99). Therefore, these are
understood as the ability of an individual to elevate physical, emotional and
sentimental well-being; exposed through positive and proactive behavior.
The different types of skills that can be defined as
life skills are innumerable. However, those referred to the development and
strengthening towards the promotion of an integral formation for, towards, from
the ethics include: a). Self-knowledge (self-concept and self-esteem), b).
values and, c). communication. The self-knowledge referred to the assessment
that the individual has and the level of perception of himself. The values
related to the way of acting of the person in front of different situations
found in the context and the communication based on the interaction and
information in the citizens.
Hence, for Guzmán (2010b), the development of being
implies "an awareness of oneself, as well as manifestations, reactions,
needs, strengths and weaknesses" (p.112). Consequently, if the individual
manages to know each one of these components, he / she can more easily develop
their skills, handle situations according to their scope, limitations and,
enhance their personality.
Thus, the process of development of being allows the
recognition of the human condition, of their individual and collective
behavior, to achieve coexistence with their peers and their interrelation with
the environment to reach subsistence levels. In addition, by having the
individual clarity in the strengths and weaknesses (potentialities) will have a
perspective of the capabilities to face situations with the taking and
execution of effective and timely decisions based on professional ethics. Added
to this, it will allow you to magnify your human condition, generate spaces
that allow you to unify your skills, skills, knowledge and management of your
own values according to the context in which it operates.
Operationally, in the setting of ethics and the
development of being, through the empowerment of life skills allows us to
transcend thought what we know and attitudes and values what we think, feel,
believe in ideal skills do and how to do it. The individual realizes and
internalizes, that through the understanding of his inner being is able to
promote participation and the ability to give creative and timely responses,
both individual and collective, to address different situations and human
Hence, Odremán (2015), states that ethics and being
"represent the set of perspectives, experiences and plurality of meanings
acquired in the practice of an individual, along with the training that can be
acquired throughout its existence" (p.149). The author reflects the
importance of ethics and being in terms of deepening the daily experience and
the acquisition of values in the journey of his life; influencing changes in
the individual's behavior.
Therefore, the task of constructing conceptual
knowledge requires that the individual possesses attitudes and is strengthened
in the cognitive dimension, which confers different perspectives of
understanding. In this way, it is understood that critical reflection,
independence, patience, communication; lead to the analysis of the universe and
proper thinking. These premises make the subject is strengthened and unfolded
in a harmonious and peaceful coexistence context.
4. Final thoughts
Ethics leads, therefore, to the orderly intervention of the guidelines
that must be followed in the norm that governs the behavior of individuals, on the
fulfillment of the activities that each one performs. It refers to the
components or elements used by each individual to achieve and preserve their
prestige within the organization. The guarantee to such situation is necessary
to manage, apart from knowledge, a code of ethics that has to do with a set of
rules that will manage the performance in them. Likewise, this code will
generate transformations in the functions it exercises in the institution.
Ethics can be seen as that inventive discipline of principles, values
and norms that are constituted by professionals with the purpose of advising
and evaluating the behavior of the members, specifically in the interactions of
the people; thus contributing to their personal growth. This must be involved in
the ethics of the teacher as a fundamental means to strengthen the coexistence,
values and peace in each of the integrals of the school and therefore the
Thus, an epistemological thought is configured in which the plurality of
meanings of being and knowing has an end that remains in the lives of citizens;
so, the knowledge linked to the excellent living conditions in the world, with
the passion of making the human spirit magnify, environmental, ecological
skills and deepening of the culture. The diversity of meanings gives a return
to the thought and with it the transformation of the being in the universe is
generated in function of promoting in the individual the thinking, knowing,
doing and coexisting.
Finally, ethics reflects the creative attitude that the subject must
have because creativity is part of the human condition, which is sometimes lost
in the individual; However, it is the responsibility of the subject to bring it
to light, externalize knowledge, feelings, emotions and passion for what he is
doing, is to break the old patterns, models, theory and methods. This approach
is a relevant reason why it seeks awakening, production, innovation and
creativity when interacting in educational settings.
Ethics in knowledge corresponds to education, a process that must have
as a function and duty to instill and systematize the transmission of ethical
attitudes and values from the earliest stage of professional training. Next
to scientific and technological knowledge should be the values corresponding
to professional ethical behavior; through love understood in its broadest
meaning of being from the affection in the family frame, the good relationship
with any human being, with the indispensable kindness, generosity, capacity and
participation for what happens to the neighbor.
Bautista, O. (2007). La Ética En La Gestión Pública: Fundamentos, Estado de la Cuestión y
Proceso para la Implementación de un Sistema Ético Integral en los Gobiernos.
Tesis Doctoral, Madrid, España: Universidad Complutense de Madrid. ISBN:
978-84-669-3138-0, págs. 343. Recuperado de:
Guzmán, F. (2010a,b). Los Valores y sus Desafíos Actuales. España: Romor.
López, J. (2010). Ética y Valores I. Módulo de Aprendizaje. Dirección Académica.
México: Bernardino Huerta Valdez.
Márquez, S. (2010). Gerencia de Recursos Humanos. Caracas, Venezuela: Continental.
Odremán, Y. (2015). Metanoia: Enfoque para la Aproximación a la Resignificación Holística
de la Praxis Educativa Ambiental. Trabajo de Ascenso. Barinas, Venezuela:
Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto de Mejoramiento
Profesional del Magisterio.
Torres, C. (2010). Nociones conceptuales de Ética, Ética Profesional, Bioética y Ética en la
Investigación. México: Océano.
Uzcategui, A. (2012). La Ética, Factor Clave, en el Éxito del Liderazgo en las Organizaciones
Educativas. (Hacia un Modelo Axiológico Basado en el Enfoque de la Teoría
Histórico-Clínica para el Éxito del Liderazgo en las Organizaciones
Educativas). Córdoba, España: Edita Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad
de Córdoba. Recuperado de:
Alejandro Viera Terán
Born in the municipality of Barinas, Barinas state,
Venezuela. Bachelor of Public Administration, Universidad Experimental
de Los Llanos Ezequiel Zamora (UNELLEZ, Barinas). Magister Scientiarum in Management and Leadership in
Education, Universidad Fermín Toro. Professor in Integral
Education. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto de
Mejoramiento Profesional del Magisterio (UPEL-IMPM). Magna Cum Laude Honors
Distinction. Degree in public accounting. Universidad Experimental de Los
Llanos Ezequiel Zamora (UNELLEZ, Barinas), PhD student in Education Sciences at
Universidad Fermín Toro. Teacher
of Classroom by the Ministry of Popular Power for Education, currently serves
as a Chess teacher in the Unidad Educativa Alto Barinas Sur. Teacher
of Chess in the Escuela Básica Br. Elías Cordero Uzcategui (Sabaneta, Barinas).
Professor for hours at the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador -
Instituto de Mejoramiento Profesional del Magisterio (UPEL-IMPM). Tutor and jury in research works UPEL-IMPM, academic
center Barinas, at Universidad Fermín Toro, Barinas Liaison Office and at
UNELLEZ, Barinas.
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