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Continuing Education of the UNAE: A model that contribute to the Educational Transformation of Ecuador

(Studies on Education)


Authors: Oscar Antonio Martínez Molina

Universidad Nacional de Educación, UNAE


Cuenca, Ecuador


Madelin Rodríguez Rensoli

Universidad Nacional de Educación, UNAE


Cuenca, Ecuador


Wilfredo García Felipe

Universidad Nacional de Educación, UNAE


Cuenca, Ecuador



This paper presents the Model that contributes to the educational transformation of Ecuador: Continuing Education of the National University of Education, designed with the objective of satisfying the needs of teachers based on training strategies aimed at the improvement and transformation of education from the reflection of their pedagogical practice, from a cooperative and collaborative approach. Participatory action research was carried out with the objective of improving and learning from one 's experience from reflection - action. Finally, phases for the operation of Continuing Education with society are included.


Keywords: continuing education; research; teacher; educational model.


Date Received: 04-09-2017

Date Acceptance: 06-11-2017



Educación Continua de la UNAE: Un modelo que aporta a la Transformación Educativa del Ecuador

(Estudios sobre Educación)



En este trabajo se presenta el Modelo que aporta a la transformación educativa del Ecuador: la Educación Continua de la Universidad Nacional de Educación, diseñado con el objetivo de satisfacer las necesidades de los docentes a partir de estrategias formativas dirigidas al mejoramiento y transformación de la educación desde la reflexión de su práctica pedagógica, desde un enfoque cooperativo y colaborativo. Se realizó una investigación acción participativa que tienen el objetivo de mejorar y aprender de la propia experiencia desde la reflexión – acción. Finalmente, se incluyen fases para el funcionamiento de la Educación Continua con la sociedad.


Palabras clave: educación continua; investigación; docente; modelo educacional.


Fecha de Recepción: 04-09-2017

Fecha de Aceptación: 06-11-2017



“It is necessary not to transmit the idea (...) that change is easy; Change is difficult, but possible. We must insist on the possibility of change, despite the difficulties. The question is how to transform difficulties into possibilities. Therefore, in the struggle to change, we can not only be patient or impatient, but patiently impatient

Paulo Freire (1997)



1. Introduction

Contemporary society is faced every day with a vertiginous scientific - technological advance, which demands new challenges from Higher Education aimed at the implementation of new methods that favor the transformation and pedagogical professional updating of the teacher. Consequently, education demands to be conceived from a critical-reflexive approach in the unity of the cognitive-affective, to achieve an understanding and action according to the social transformations of each context. Therefore, achieving a balance in the relationship university - school institutions, from transcendental values ​​such as equality, equity, solidarity and respect for diversity is a priority for education.


The Ecuadorian State assumes, as one of its main responsibilities and goals, the transformation of the educational system at all levels, up to the standards of efficiency and quality that make education a true instrument of equity, sustainable development and quality of life for all the citizens of the country. Public policy on education is described in the National Plan for Good Living and in the Ten-Year Education Plan 2006-2015, the Organic Law of Higher Education, General model for the evaluation of careers for accreditation purposes issued by the Council of Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education (CEAACES). The National University of Education (UNAE), corresponds to the development of these educational policies.


The precepts established in the Constitution of the Republic and the National Development Plan are aimed at: "Strengthening higher education with a scientific and humanistic vision, articulated with the objectives of Good Living". In this regard, the university has the responsibility to strengthen the capabilities and potential of citizens, hence the training of professionals demand a change that meets the requirements of the XXI century, scientific advances, universal thinking, with renewed approaches and perspectives that articulate the new and the context in which the university is located, UNESCO (2000). Hence, in the last decade, Higher Education in Ecuador has undergone changes in the psychopedagogical conceptions that it assumes, which demands from the teacher a deep reflection of its daily actions and an efficient improvement of the teaching - learning process in accordance with the time, space and place that he has lived.


Therefore, the country focuses its efforts to achieve a quality education throughout life that guarantees equality, equity and inclusion, constituting the right to education, an essential component of Good Living. According to Delors (1996):

Education throughout life leads directly to the notion of educational society, that is, a society in which multiple possibilities of learning are offered, both in school and in economic, social and cultural life (...) update the knowledge and skills (...) to perfect their art and to take advantage of the experiences made in the different spheres of life (...) (p.37).


That is, education is a continuous and permanent process, throughout life, and must be developed in a participatory manner, not only in academics, but in all spheres of action of the individual. Many authors approach this process from the terms education / training - continuous / permanent, but according to the same objective, the constant elevation of the teaching professionalism to improve the performance.


2. State of the art - Background

          In this framework of new perspectives on vocational training, permanent education is defined by (Fullat, 1975): as an integral education that covers all life and all possibilities of the human being. On the other hand, (Ludosjoski, 1981): identifies it with the integral improvement and without solution of continuity of the human personality, from its birth to its death; while (Fonseca, 1984a): considers it the pedagogical principle by means of which it is indicated that the educational process is continuous throughout the life of individuals and in all circumstances. It involves constant training, updating and improvement actions.


Fonseca, (1984b): ensures that permanent education is not in itself an educational modality, on the contrary, it is a communicating vessel and constitutes a guiding principle that guides the educational system and drives it to search for new alternatives or pedagogical resources that allow to offer formation to the man according to his diverse evolutionary stages.


The Ministry of Education of Ecuador addresses this issue from continuing education and proposes that:

It is based on the premise that learning is not static, therefore, it requires a permanent process of strengthening professional skills and enrichment of their pedagogical practices, to achieve the quality standards we seek in Ecuadorian education. (National Directorate of Continuing Education, 2015, p.1).


Continuing training for teachers in Ecuador was the object of direct attention of the Ministry of Education until the end of the last century, from where training courses were designed and delivered in order to overcome the teaching staff of the different educational levels. In this same period, the universities assumed some training responsibilities, in particular with the organization of courses of diploma, specialization and masters. Although without a national planning process.


In the context of the National University of Education, the term continuing education is assumed, as one of the forms that has been gaining space in the reconceptualization of the role of the university, understood by (Fonseca, 1984c): as the set of oriented activities to extract from the daily experiences new formative elements that enable the individuals to carry out tasks and functions in accordance with the social evolution, and the needs of their formation.


This means that the design of programs aimed at raising the professional competence of teachers who work in educational institutions across the country, to update, renew knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, emotions, is becoming increasingly important. acquired, in order to improve the skills that constitute new demands of the labor and professional market. This implies a transition from a traditional school to an innovative one, that responds to the needs of its context, in which dialogue and reflection are essential ways for the members of the educational community to understand the protagonism of their activities. students and therefore higher levels of development are achieved in this sphere of great social significance.


In this analysis, what was related to educational experiences mediated by technologies from the Postgraduate Studies Unit, continuous teacher training and factors associated with educational policy, postgraduate studies in Ecuador and their articulation in the National Science System were of interest. and Technology, as well as the quality assurance mechanisms. To this is added, reference has been made to the need to guide changes in the postgraduate course to promote the adoption of pedagogical models that stimulate creativity and innovation, to turn the student into the main protagonist of the teaching-learning process.


Therefore, the search of how to face continuing education in the UNAE from the problems that historically had characterized this process, became an epistemological challenge in its implementation process. Promote learning that encourages the analysis and critical reflection of the teacher's own practice to transform it into a close relationship with the theory that sustains it, involves the generation of epistemes to achieve an epistemological positioning in the construction of knowledge, understanding and gradual construction of the knowledge.


It is important to emphasize that the Continuing Education Programs that are implemented must demonstrate the complexity of this process from a collaborative and individual practice, from the transcription of the representation of each reality. Hence, it must be implemented from socializing workshops that are focused on a process of dialogue and reflection on issues related to education in the context.


The generation of a methodology for the identification from primary sources of the needs of teachers, based on the professional problems of pedagogical practice, their experiences, and experiences that promote from collaborative work and reflection, analysis of their own practice, is a priority for the UNAE Continuous Education Coordination that favors not only the identification of the weaknesses, but also the strengths in the direction of the teaching and learning process that they carry out, with a view to updating and closing the knowledge gaps in the pedagogical and didactic field in educational contexts.


To update teachers in the pedagogical and didactic foundations that sustain a teaching and learning direction of excellence based on the reflective investigation of the educational problems of their professional performance, from a systemic and interactive approach, and having as a premise the problematization of their Educational practice through the critical reflection of the pedagogical activity constitutes a basic objective of Continuing Education in the UNAE.


The school institutions where teachers work must be the learning scenarios that will contribute to the transformation of educational institutions, which implies the presence of a motivated group to face complex situations from the research, that share interests, concerns and search for solutions starting from of the problems of his pedagogical practice. A collective committed to the understanding of knowledge and the implementation of ideals and values, which investigate, reflect, with an integrated vision of knowledge that leads to the diversification of activities in the teaching and learning process.


3. Guidelines

Taking into account these arguments, they are declared as guidelines to be taken into account for the implementation of continuing education programs by UNAE, the following:

1.    Provoke the integration between educational institutions, the university and related careers to promote the identification of the problems of professional practice and their insertion in continuing education programs, in which motivation and communication predominate as a way to enhance leadership and Decision making by consensus.


2.    They conform to the dynamics of inquiry and transformation, recognized as forces or factors that interact in interpersonal relationships, taking into account the individual factors, constituted by the personality of each participating individual, their previous experiences, their ideology, their values, their expectations and needs, their motivation, as well as the history and mode of constitution of the group itself, the interactions, subgroups and relations with other groups.


  1. Stimulate processes of academic cooperation between the university and educational institutions, based on the recognition of the need for the development of values.


It is important to take up in this case, the role of the teacher in the teaching - learning process, because through its pedagogical and scientific preparation it manages to extend outside itself, all the elements that allow the unfolding of the process the rediscovery and reconstruction of knowledge by of student; of its personal characteristics, the communication relationship in its different types of function (informative, affective and regulatory) that allows an atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration, of joint activity in the classroom.


The tutor must be characterized by the authenticity, security, respect and motivation towards the activity; with an adequate action generating emotional wellbeing in the participants, interaction, exchanges, and in the framework of a climate of respect in the classroom.


  1. The elaboration of life projects to identify the professional problems and contents to be developed in the continuing education programs, from the reflection in the group work.


It is assumed as a life project, "the extent to which we consciously assume our ideals and plan our personal path to reach them. It will therefore be a high expression of our conscience and a product of the development of our personality." (Pine, n.d.). The author himself suggests that the possibility of creating efficient projects and life plans is closely linked to the self-knowledge and the environment that the subject reaches, the quality of their self-reflection and the level of self-determination developed.


The elaboration of the life projects in integration with the one of the accompaniment, the autonomous work and the participative self-reflection workshops is developed, which facilitates identifying the needs and potentialities from the work in group. In the case of the participatory self-reflection workshop, we start from the individual commitment, in which a collaborative environment of the participants is created in a way that encourages and encourages dialogue and group reflection, based on the change whose fundamental strength is the attitude towards the problems that must be overcome and that in turn imply a personal and group growth of all the participants. It is also important to assess, as a result of the identification of the needs and potentialities, the professional problems that the members of the participating educational community will face.


Reflecting during the action consists of asking what is going on or what is going to happen, what we can do, what needs to be done, what is the best tactic, what guidelines and what precautions should be taken, what risks exist, etc. [...] Reflect on the action ... that's something else. It is taking the action itself as an object of reflection, either to compare it with a prescriptive model, to what we could or should have done more or what another practitioner would have done, whether to explain it or make a criticism (Perreneud, 2010, pp.30-31).


Thus, reflection on the action makes it possible to assess what has been done in the school against the prescribed to define its viability by favoring the reorientation of one's actions in a justified way based on the observation of what happened and stimulating the development of metacognition when is aware of what has been done and what has affected it.


The foregoing has given rise to the consideration of the necessary presence of this type of exercise in higher education, as reflection and reflective practice promote the potential for deep and meaningful learning. According to Brockbank and McGill (2002): socio-educational knowledge only comes to have an internalized and real meaning when the participant of the transforming process applies that knowledge to himself and relates it, in some way, to his experience. When the conditions for reflective exercise have been generated, a type of essential learning is favored in continuing education, who learns is the main protagonist of their learning process, since it finds meanings for the knowledge that is generated in their experiences from the activities that favor it and in its interaction with tutors and other participants.


  1. Route Continuing Education from participatory action research.


Methodology that requires the participation of groups for inquiry and dialogue, in which the collective reflection of the participants was developed in order to achieve the transformation of education in the region. Participatory action research aims to improve and learn from one's own experience from reflection-action, in which group participation and ethical commitment sustain the whole process, with an approach that meets the characteristics that characterize each one of them. its terms: research, action and participation. Therefore, reflection, systematic execution of the tasks to be carried out, control and criticism of knowledge and experiences must prevail, providing new knowledge and ways of understanding the problems of the context to be faced.


In the framework of the previous observations Stenhouse, cited by Gómez and Salinas (2011), reference that the socio-educational environment is framed by the:

Triad that raises the nature of knowledge, nature of teaching, nature of learning, evidence a strong relationship between epistemology, didactics and curriculum placing the classroom as the social arena where the hypotheses that guide and challenge the action of teachers are put to the test researchers (p.3).


This triad is visualized in the development of Research, Education and Action whose purpose is to teach people to discover their own potential to act, freeing them from previous states of dependency and passivity, and lead them to understand that the solution lies in the effort collective that they themselves can take to change the state of things, which goes from the diagnosis to the transformation of the practical and critical conception of Continuing Education.


  1. Integration of the planning process, organization, regulation, control and evaluation of the processes to be executed. 


Establish interrelations between the potentials (strengths and weaknesses) of human, historical, social and economic resources as elements of integration to the contents that are addressed in the continuing education programs, with a marked systemic approach.


7.    Establish the accompaniments in the own learning scenarios, which will contribute from collaboration, group work, and respect for the diversity of criteria, to pave the way for the construction of knowledge with an interdisciplinary approach.


In assisted teaching, socializing workshops should favor analysis and reflection, but also the reorganization of the tutor's action from the feedback. With the socialization of each group, and the assessments that are made, it is essential to organize the time established to achieve logic in its entirety, without barriers that break the dynamics of participation.


The evaluation will be formative, part of the diagnosis, aimed at identifying weaknesses and individual and collective strengths, which will favor the feedback of the process. Self-evaluation, co-evaluation and hetero-evaluation will be implemented, taking into account the established criteria for this and from the group work, the reflection spaces and the portfolio of anecdotal records that facilitate the description of the reflections made in the different contexts where it will intervene in group.


It is important to emphasize that the development of the practical relationship - theory - practice, will be done from the problems that each group identified. The analysis of the different contents, the search and evaluation of the theory will be propitiated from an integral approach, taking into account the relationship that can occur between the categories that are identified as problems.


8.    Continuing education from the formation of a center and / or communities of practice.


The term community of practice was coined by Wenger (1998): in his work of observing and analyzing the knowledge that is disseminated from a scientific community and seeking to enhance this aspect at a corporate level as an institutionalization of the old «storm or brainstorm» or informal exchanges. The purpose of a community of practice is to make explicit the informal transfer of knowledge, offering a formal structure that allows acquiring more knowledge through socialized experiences within the group, in accordance with the training program of Continuing Education. For this reason, the group's own identity is reinforced by enhancing learning as a process of shared participation and leadership; facilitated by the exchange of experiences and motivation.


The community of practice is not a scientific community as such, since its approach is not science but the experience of the practice and the shared management of knowledge. This knowledge management is always done in a collaborative way and in a continuous process of establishing strategies of participation, leadership, identity and use of knowledge.


The community of practice as well as any collaborative work group has its own characteristics that in the case of the UNAE in the development of Continuing Education define and characterize it as a community, responding to those who are associated, why they do it, with what motivation, in what field or context and what is the nature of this relationship, constitute criteria that make it possible to analyze the meaning and purposes of these forms of collaborative work.


4. Methodological design

Consequently, the phases for the operation of Continuing Education are summarized in:

Phase 1: Approach to the context. Identification of needs of the educational community.




Phase 2: Diagnosis of the territory from reflection spaces.






Phase 3: Design and implementation of the processes to be executed.

·       Implementation of the Continuing Education program.


·       Implementation of the Lesson Study among the teachers participating in the program.


·       Monitoring of the actions derived from the CE in the school in the community and in the University.


Phase 4: Presentation of partial results.



Phase 5: Impact study. Is in organization.

·       Development of scientific workshops for the dissemination of new experiences derived from the EC and redesign of the EC strategy.


As a summary, the integrative and inclusive model of Continuing Education of the UNAE is represented and its implementation in coordination with the MinEduc and the Teachers Network.


Figure 1. Inclusive and inclusive model of Continuing Education of the UNAE and its implementation in coordination with the MinEduc and Teacher Network.


Source: The Authors (2017).


Complying with the phases of the model and declared stages implies learning to identify the barriers that constitute human resistance to the changes, which will lead to a reduction in the inertia and frustration of the efforts that will be invested to carry it out. Identifying the needs from the diagnosis, as well as the strengths of the teachers who participate will be what will bring about the change needed to promote a program from an innovative model that respects individuality and cooperation, in which the experiences of the pedagogical practice implemented by them in the school institutions where they work, they constitute premises for the identification of the topics to be developed.


5. Conclusions

The fundamental premise in Continuing Education in the UNAE is the requirements established by the pedagogical model of the National University of Education, unique in Ecuador, and which has the great mission of "contributing to the formation of human talent in the educational system for the construction of a just, equitable, free and democratic society, generating educational models of excellence characterized by scientific rigor, focus on rights and interculturality " (UNAE, 2014, p. w.n.). In addition, the idea that "two facts surround and cross the origin of UNAE, the change of time, and the global importance of teacher training for the transformation of education in any country and specifically in Ecuador" (Álvarez, Quinn, Pérez, Prats, Didirksso, Peñafiel and Fernández, 2015, p.12).


6. References

Álvarez, F., Quinn, H., Pérez, Á., Prats, J., Didirksso, A., Peñafiel, F., & Fernández, S. (2015). Hacer bien, pensar bien y sentir bien, pág. 223. Azogues, Ecuador: Universidad Nacional de Educación.


Brockbank, A., & McGill I. (2002). Aprendizaje reflexivo en la educación superior. 2ª edición. ISBN: 9788471124524, págs. 312. Madrid, España: Ediciones Morata.


Delors, J. (1996). Compendio. La educación encierra un tesoro. Francia: Ediciones UNESCO, pág. 37.


Dirección Nacional de Formación Continua (2015). Proyecto Sistema Integral de Desarrollo Profesional. Ecuador: Ministerio de Educación. Recuperado de: https://educacion.gob.ec/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2015/11/Proyecto-Siprofe.pdf


Freire, P. (1997). A la sombra de este árbol. Primera edición. Barcelona, España: El Roure Editorial, S.A., ISBN: 84-7976-013-3, págs. 170.


Fonseca, L. (1984a,b,c). Educación y Formación Continuada. Caracas: Ediciones UCV: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales.


Ludosjoski, R. (1981). Andragogía, educación del adulto. Buenos Aires: Guadalupe.


Perreneud, P. (2010). Desarrollar la práctica reflexiva en el oficio de enseñar. Barcelona, España: Editorial Graó.


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Fullat, O. (1975). La Educación Permanente (Biblioteca Salvat de grandes temas; 72 (Spanish Edition). ISBN 10: 8434574306; ISBN 13: 9788434574304. Barcelona, España: Salvat Editores,


UNAE (2014). Modelo Pedagógico. Azogues, Ecuador: Universidad Nacional de Educación.


UNESCO (2000). Desafíos de la educación. IIPE Buenos Aires. Instituto Internacional de Planeamiento de la Educación. Argentina: Ministerio de Educación de la Nación. Recuperado de: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001591/159155s.pdf


Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice and social learning systems: the career of a concept. New York: Cambridge University Press Recuperado de: https://wenger-trayner.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/09-10-27-CoPs-and-systems-v2.01.pdf



Oscar Antonio Martínez Molina

e-mail: oscar.martinez@unae.edu.ec


Born is San Cristóbal, Táchira state, Venezuela. Bachelor of Education Education and Professional Guidance Mention (Universidad de Los Andes, Táchira Extension). Master of Science in Higher Education, Mention Andragogy (UNELLEZ). Doctor in Education Mention Suma Cum Laude (Universidad de Málaga, Spain), Postdoctor in Free Studies at Universidad Fermín Toro. Diploma in Open and Distance Education (Universidad Fermín Toro). Master's Degree Advanced expert in E-learning at the Fundación para la actualización tecnológica de Latinoamérica (FATLA). Advanced level in Educational Technology advanced level in the Fundación para la actualización tecnológica de Latinoamérica (FATLA). Retired Professor of the Universidad Nacional Abierta. Academic Title Holder. Director of doctoral and master's theses. Responsible for COBAIND's research teaching-learning line. Representative of the Spanish Academic Editorial Convention-COBAIND. Coordinator of the line of research in Education at UNEFA Barinas. President / Founder of the Consejo Barinés de Investigación y Desarrollo. Research Professor of the Innovation and Research Stimulus Program in category "A-2". Teaching research at the Universidad Nacional of Ecuador.



Madelin Rodríguez Rensoli

e-mail: madelin.rodriguez@unae.edu.ec


Born in Cuba. Principal Investigator Teacher 1 of the UNAE, Ecuador. PhD in Pedagogical Sciences. Master in Educational Research. Bachelor of Education, Specialty Biology. Accredited as Associate Researcher 1 by SENESCYT. She has participated as a director and researcher in research projects. Currently Director of Continuing Education and Director of research project and master's and doctoral thesis. He has published in indexed journals and in Congresses. Member of the Editorial Board of the Revista Panorama Médico, IPLAC and Gaceta Médica Espirituana. Member of the Referees Team of the Scientific Magazine. She has participated as an external evaluator in accreditation processes Cuba and Ecuador.



Wilfredo García Felipe

e-mail: wilfredo.garcia@unae.edu.ec


Born in Cuba. Teacher Main Researcher 1. PhD in Pedagogical Sciences. Master in Advanced Education. Licensed in social sciences. Accredited as a researcher by SENESCYT in Ecuador. Currently Co-Director of the Research Project. Director of thesis and thesis of Masters and Doctorate. Has fulfilled responsibilities as a teacher - researcher and directives in different levels of education. I have published articles derived from research projects in indexed journals, as well as book chapters. He has participated in research and collaborated in projects on educational management, in International Congresses. Director of doctoral theses and master's degrees with topics related to Teaching and Pedagogy.


The content of this manuscript is disseminated under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International


- Original Version in Spanish -

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29394/Scientific.issn.2542-2987.2018.