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Author: Elizabeth María Uzcategui Herrera

Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL


Barinas, Venezuela


Environmental Quality from the Community in the School Context



The objective of the research was to study the perspectives of environmental quality in the educational context in the teachers of the Francisco Ribas Initial Education Center, Barinas municipality, Barinas state. The study responds methodologically to the qualitative paradigm. The type of study in an action research and field design. Five (05) subjects of study who work in the aforementioned institution were considered. The technique and instrument for collecting the information used was direct observation and as an instrument an in-depth interview. Hence, the technique and analysis of the information was categorized with the contents and proceeded to the Triangulation; likewise, the process of theorization was carried out. The results obtained were focused on: (1) Teachers maintain a positive attitude towards the environment from the educational action, through pedagogical orientations, conversations and reflections on the conservation of the environment; (2) The measures they take are through the reflection of reading short stories, cleaning the gardens, parks and rivers; (3) Actions were planned to guide the action plan framed in the conservationist thinking, positive attitude, promotion of actions to know, to be, to live together and to learn to do, quality of life in Environmental Education, teacher-student relationship. The conclusions were focused on the educators received with enthusiasm and conviction to improve the quality of life in the implementation of actions towards strengthening the environment.


Keywords: environmental quality; community; school.


Date Received: 05-02-2018

Date Acceptance: 25-05-2018



La Calidad Ambiental desde la Comunidad en el Contexto Escolar



  El objetivo de la investigación fue estudiar las perspectivas de la calidad ambiental el contexto educativo en los docentes del Centro de Educación Inicial Francisco Ribas, municipio Barinas, estado Barinas. El estudio responde metodológicamente al paradigma cualitativo. El tipo de estudio en una investigación acción y el diseño de campo. Se consideraron cinco (05) sujetos de estudio que laboran en la institución antes mencionada. La técnica e instrumento de recolección de la información utilizada fue la observación directa y como instrumento una entrevista en profundidad. De allí que, la técnica y análisis de la información se categorizó con los contenidos y se procedió a la Triangulación; así mismo se efectuó el proceso de la teorización. Los resultados obtenidos estuvieron centrados en: (1) Los docentes mantienen una actitud positiva hacia el ambiente desde la acción educativa, a través de orientaciones pedagógicas, conversaciones y reflexiones en función a la conservación del ambiente; (2) Las medidas que toman son por medio de la reflexión de lectura de cuentos cortos, limpieza de los jardines, parques y ríos; (3) Se planificaron las acciones para guiar el plan de acción enmarcándose en el pensamiento conservacionista, actitud positiva, promoción de acciones conocer, ser, vivir juntos y aprender a hacer, calidad de vida en la Educación Ambiental, relación docente-alumno. Las conclusiones estuvieron centradas en que los educadores recibieron con entusiasmo y convicción mejorar la calidad de vida en la implementación en acciones hacia fortalece el ambiente.


Palabras clave: calidad ambiental; comunidad; escolar.


Fecha de Recepción: 05-02-2018

Fecha de Aceptación: 25-05-2018

1. Introduction

                  Man since his genesis has maintained a direct relationship with the environment, according to the needs and interests of the same, but these needs have changed according to the development of society and technology. That is why, in the twentieth century there have been major changes and transformations impacting directly on human behavior, environmental deterioration, exploitation of natural resources, among other effects caused to the environment. This has caused, at present, great concern worldwide, in terms of the sustainability of life on the planet Earth.


Salas (2010a), indicates:

The progressive worsening of environmental problems at the international level arises in the day of how the most serious phenomena facing humanity, man with the relationship with the environment has accelerated and altered the balance of nature, destabilized the laws that have governed for a long time to the planet (p.88).


Interpreting the author, environmental problems have intensified worldwide, causing severe damage to the interaction of the individual with the environment and disrupting harmony with each of the components found in nature for existence and coexistence. In this way, says Leff (2002): "the environmental crisis is the crisis of our time. It is not an ecological catastrophe resulting from the evolution of nature, but produced by the thought with which we have built and destroyed our world" (p.1). In other words, the environmental crisis remains over time and specifically refers to complications of analysis, interpretation and thinking of individuals in terms of generating positive attitude changes towards conservation and environmental quality.


On the other hand, environmental quality is one of the great desires of man, which is why pollution is one of the most serious problems suffered by societies and therefore are seeking alternatives that lead to improve this situation; despite the fact that it dates from very remote times. Describes Salas (2010b): that "we live in an urbanized world, in which the entire planet is put at the service of the urban-industrial system and in which every day species, soils and capacity to regenerate the used materials are lost" (p.98).


Interpreting the author, we live a universe that is clearly urbanized, in which many species of animals, plants, soil damage, environmental pollution, among others, are being lost progressively. For this reason, today more than ever it is necessary to consolidate learning processes aimed at humanity in order to raise awareness, sensitize, harmonize, care for, protect and protect the environment, in which each individual internalizes the promotion of educational strategies in function to mediate, diminish and improve environmental problems.


In this sense, Casas (2010): raises "environmental education relates to man with their environment and environment, seeking a change of attitude and awareness of the importance of conserving for the future, improving the quality of life" (p.77). In other words, environmental education refers to the interaction of man with the environment in the search to deepen the changes in behavior, attitude, abilities and skills in the conservation of the same and therefore the social welfare and quality of life of the population.


Therefore, at the present time, solutions to environmental problems are framed by changes at the technological level, by more exact regulations or ordinances, by tax payments to individuals who pollute the environment or to people who manufacture products that do not affect the environment. the atmosphere. Despite all this, the destruction of the environment persists, deteriorating the ecosystem and nature more every day.


It is essential to understand the organization system of the man-environment and society triad; otherwise, it will be difficult to provide answers that satisfy the expectations environment. As explained by Gutiérrez (2010a): 

Environmental education is not only related to the natural environment, but also the social, economic and cultural one; not only thinking about transmitting knowledge related to nature, but also values, and therefore behaviors and attitudes, incorporating factors of social problems, traditionally forgotten, such as poverty, hunger, gender, interculturality, among others ( p.55).


     In this way, there are elements of the theory and practice of environmental education that are in permanent construction in each of the areas of action of this: the formal, non-formal and informal, visualizing it as an instrument for endogenous development to the extent in which the qualitative growth of the people who learn is favored, reinforcing individual and collective self-sufficiency in this way. Therefore, environmental education is configured from a social experience as a tool for the construction of personal and community autonomy, in which all kinds of people, organizations and institutions have an interesting role.


In this sense, the complexity of environmental knowledge transcends formal spaces to be linked to the daily life of being, impacting on their quality of life, thus enhancing the actions to improve the environment, both in formal education and in education not formal, being interesting because of the complexity of the situations it manages to address, and the enormous burden of uncertainty posed by educating in unconventional settings. Within this referential context this research is assumed, to intervene, specifically in the Barinas State, in the Center of Initial Education "Francisco Ribas" of Barinas municipality, in this context evidence or it can be interpreted, through the environmental image, that Its members have a lack of knowledge and awareness about the dependency relationships with the environment, leading people to act as if they were not part of it.


The researcher, as a teacher working in the aforementioned institution, was able to observe the following environmental situations: air pollution caused by vehicular gases, excessive noise caused by the intensity of the music generated by groups of adolescents and young people, the indiscriminate use of water, the presence of bad odors due to the improper use and disposition of domestic garbage, among others. What is striking is that these situations tend to be taxed with an impact on environmental quality.


From there arises the concern to carry out a research work that aims to study the environmental quality from the community in the educational context in the teachers of the Francisco Rivas Initial Education Center, Barinas municipality, Barinas state. In relation to this scenario, it was important to establish a stock scheme that leads to generate significant changes in attitude in individuals. Therefore, it is intended to answer questions such as the following:


What is the knowledge that teachers have about educational strategies and environmental quality in the Center of Initial Education "Francisco Ribas" ?, What will be the planning of educational strategies in environmental quality in the teachers of the Center of Initial Education Francisco Ribas, Barinas municipality, Barinas state ?, How will the implementation of educational strategies in environmental quality in teachers?


How will the evaluation of the implementation of educational strategies for improving environmental quality in teachers? Based on these questions, the present research is generated, whose general objective is to study the perspectives of environmental quality in the educational context of the teachers of the Francisco Rivas Initial Education Center, Barinas municipality, Barinas state..


2. Background, Theory and Concepts

2.1. Background

The background of the research represents the review of research work that is related to the subject matter of the study. In this regard, Molano (2013): in his doctoral thesis entitled "Conceptions and Practices on Environmental Education of Teachers in the Universities of Bogotá. Implications for the Curricula of the Faculties of Education", the research was focused on an instrumental case study. Two education programs of the University of Bogotá were studied to analyze the conceptions of teachers on environmental education. The universe, population and sample understood by the faculties of education of the Universities of Bogota, reason for which in those faculties the professionals of the teaching are formed.


The author points out in her conclusions that the conception of environmental education by educators focuses on the understanding of nature from its epistemological origin to the professional knowledge itself. The study contributes theoretical elements related to environmental education, which is why it seeks to generate awareness among individuals to be more participatory and responsible in educational knowledge.


2.2. Theoretical and Concepts

2.2.1. Perspectives

  The perspective is that which visualizes the universe from the same perspective, from an optics that envelops the whole landscape; achieving a gear of all its representative elements in the context or school environment; focusing the positive interaction of the environment. In this sense, the United Nations Program for the Environment, cited by Chagollán, López, Ávila, Del Campo, Reyes and Cervantes (2006), state that the perspective in environmental education:

It is an education that prepares individuals of all ages, at all levels, in formal and informal organization, so that they become aware and interested in the environment and its associated problems and work in favor of the solution of environmental problems and prevention of new ones that appear (p.17).


  Interpretation to the author, the perspective of environmental education is based on an education based on the formation of a subject of all ages, at any level or modality in which awareness, needs and interests in environmental issues are deepened, their prevention , strategies of action in the improvement of the quality of life and therefore the social, educational, cultural and environmental welfare. Likewise, it is linked to the participation and integration of individuals in decision-making, commitment and co-responsibility with the environment.


2.2.2. Environmental Quality

The extension of the problem of the environment deserves to take actions, strategies, tasks and activities for the improvement of it; agreeing to diminish the detriment of the environmental field and the existence of the world. Environmental education is crystallized in the best way to manage changes in the way in which the environment is used, in which the use of natural resources can be sustainable in time and space.


On the other hand, the actions of environmental improvement pose as a purpose, that citizens take reason for the action of pollution and deterioration of nature and the ways in which they can participate in the reversal of that process. Thus, Blanco (2009a): exposes the improvement of environmental quality as "correspond to qualitative and quantitative characteristics of environmental factors or the environment in general that are likely to be modified" (p.88).


The author makes reference to the environmental quality is immersed in specific, descriptive and quantifiable peculiarities of the aspects related to the environment and that these can be transformed at any time. Therefore, the values ​​of the environment have to do with the quality, respect, tolerance, democracy, freedom and cooperation towards the globalization of it. Blanco (2009b) argues that "the need to know the levels of environmental quality has generated a whole series of indicators of physical and objective parameters" (p.101).


The perspective of environmental quality requires teachers to open spaces for dialogical discussion, to access the assessment of the environment with the members of the communities where they live; rescuing each knowledge, and that these are taught in the classroom and, in turn, are projected, disseminated and felt in the localities; all this in hand with students, parents, representatives and the community in general so that learning is more enjoyable, open, flexible, revalue, rebuild and remain in time and space.


2.2.3. Community Context

The community organization consists of the congregation of people with the purpose of discerning situations or conflicts that happen in a specific context, attending to the elaboration of projects, economic resources and execution of activities to achieve established goals. Therefore, the organized community agrees to provide the members of a locality with the opportunity for alternative solutions to environmental or other problems of interest. Gutiérrez (2010b), an effective community organization usually includes:

Get a knowledge of the community. The first key step is to identify the community and what is most important for its residents; Generate and use power. There are several types of power and, depending on the nature of the organization and its long-term goals; describe the matter A crucial aspect to organize effectively is to be clear on what people consider important and what they think should be done about it; Plan actions with a purpose; Make others actively participate; Generate and use other resources and; Communicate with the community. There are many ways to effectively convey a message and let the whole community know what is being done, why it is being done and why everyone should participate (p.123).


The community organization gives results because the strength that exists is in the majority, it is sought that the community members participate actively and use actions to generate transformations or changes of positive attitudes in each of the citizens in a social, harmonious, flexible and democratic.


Consequently, the community offers potential that can be used in community management, which is why it is a very complex system for addressing the individual-environment-culture. Hence, the importance of the integration of individuals that allow the development of strategies that promote the sustainability and sustainability of the environment.


2.2.4. Educational Context

Education is the main source of education and one of the oldest in the history of society. Therefore, it represents the most relevant way of training in the social awareness of people and the scientific and methodical learning of the construction of knowledge from the everyday to the formal aspect.


In the same way, education has consolidated and strengthened social relations; affecting, mainly, in the development of the human being in the social field. This will result in reorganizing or reorienting educational praxis to build knowledge through environmental culture and thus enhance the relevance, co-responsibility and values ​​in learning from the school context.


In school the student is emphasized in socialization and changes in attitude towards a social being; valuing the elements that are in the community part. Fabelo (2008): states that "... education is the fundamental mechanism for the formation of a culture of your own" (page 278). That is, education represents the main component for the culture of a locality, nation or country. Hence, the relevance of training in strengthening the individual's abilities, skills and spirituality.


2.2.5. Environmental education

The teaching of environmental education seeks to influence the individual and collective consciousness of the subject. Likewise, it tries to deepen the integral formation of individuals and societies; developing the cognitive capacity of the universe and the real situation of the community through interpretations, explanations, analysis and reflections of social circumstances. Likewise, environmental education promotes development and increases the population's abilities to resolve conflictive situations and environmental solutions. In addition, it emphasizes the knowledge of the environment in the conservation, preservation, quality of life and social, educational, economic, cultural and political well-being geared in a holistic and global worldview.


Similarly, Torres (2010): that "environmental education is a dynamic axis to change people's attitudes so that they are able to assess the problems of sustainable or sustainable development and address them" (p.88). It means that environmental education is the main engine to transform positive attitudes in people; in such a way that they can assess the environmental problems they suffer in the community context and can solve them in a sustainable and sustainable way.


On the other hand, the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, cited by Rosales (2010): states that "an international educational program of interdisciplinary school and extra-school education on the environment, covering all levels of education and aimed at to all "(page 5). Therefore, educational programs worldwide emphasize the instruction of various disciplines in the school and out of school environment related to the environment. It must be based on cognitive development, thoughts, qualities, abilities, integration and the capacity to assume the permitting evaluation in the resolution of environmental problems. In the same way, the Declaration of Tbilisi, cited by Zabala and García (2008), raise:

In 1977, UNESCO and UNEP convened the First International Conference on Environmental Education in the city of Tbilisi (Georgia). In it an agreement is reached to incorporate environmental education into the political plans of all nations, where a pedagogy of action and action prevails based on the preparation of the individual that allows a better understanding of the main problems of the world ... (p.216).


Interpreting the authors, UNESCO and UNEP celebrate the first International Conference on Environmental Education in the city of Georgia, in which it is agreed to add all the political plans of the nations to it; emphasizing a pedagogy driven to the integral formation of people in the search for understanding, analysis, interpretation, reflection, criticism of environmental problems that are found in a context, both community and school, with a view to strengthening the quality of life and well-being of citizens.


On the other hand, Gabaldón, cited by Requena (2018): points out that environmental education consists in "the identification of environmental problems and how to control them requires a new type of education that through a theoretical and practical judgment of the biotic and physical environment create interest and love for nature"(p.296). This means that environmental problems can be characterized and the way to control them induces the formation of a new education paradigm motivating individuals to a critical reflection on conservation, respect, cooperation and love for the environment.


3. Methodology

3.1. MethodologyNature of Research

The study was focused on qualitative research. It consists of the production of descriptive data according to the information provided by one or several people in a spoken or written way of the observant behavior of the informants. Likewise, the different theoretical conceptions are raised from the holistic aspects of the investigation; considering the environments, people or groups. In addition, an understanding of the environment in which informants work to interpret them and find the most relevant findings is made. 


3.2. Kind of investigation

It was based on Action Research. It proposes to develop a work that contributes to a thorough knowledge of a situation, to transform a reality, but, fundamentally, to know the opinion, the thoughts of the subjects involved, making research a process of critical reflection, where the subject is conceived as an active and transforming being of its social environment; through interactive communication and dialogue agreements are established and, the object of study, is constructed collectively, according to the dynamics of the reality studied.



3.3. Design of the investigation

It consists of establishing the way forward to give answers to the questions asked. Taking into account that a study was made of the perspectives of environmental quality in the educational context, from there the study was supported in a field investigation, based on the data collection, which were then analyzed and interpreted.


3.4. Research Subjects

          Qualitative research is focused on the interpretation and intuition of the phenomena under study, for this purpose it carries out a description and examination of the actions and experiences of the subjects, therefore, they work with small groups to facilitate a more direct approach to the reality studied. In the case study, the sampling was intentional, according to Cerda (2009): it is the one through which the researcher takes part in the non-random selection of the subjects, but in terms of their willingness to provide information regarding the which is investigated.


The study subjects were represented by five (05) teachers who work in the institution, who develop projects and / or environmental activities, they provided important information and firsthand that allowed making inferences and generalizations in the universe studied.


3.5. Techniques and Instruments of Information Collection

In qualitative research, narrative records of the phenomena studied are made, and a series of techniques have been developed to give validity and credibility to their interpretations. The techniques and instruments used in the study were: participant observation, field notes, unstructured interviews, group discussions, photographic evidence and audio recordings; these techniques and instruments allowed to collect information during the interview, as in the other phases of the investigation.


3.6. Validity and Reliability of Research

In qualitative research the reliability and validity of research itself. Therefore, instruments are used to gather information, such as: script of interviews, testimonies, daily records, among others. To guarantee the reliability of the research, Martínez (2008a): "suggests using specific and precise descriptive categories, with primary data and not manipulated; Likewise, request the collaboration of the informants to verify the objectivity of the field notes and to make use of research instruments "(page 116). That is to say, the reliability of the information must be framed in precise categories, direct data of the main source and the help of the informants regarding the daily record of the facts.


4. Results

The technique for the interpretation of information that was used was the categorization. The categorization refers to the decomposition of the parts until reaching the minimum grammatical expression for the reconstruction of a new thought, obtaining that the perspective of the environmental quality from the community scope represents a space for the critical, analytical, synergic and harmonic of the different meanings and perceptions of the environment. It also delves into the cognitive and creative level of individuals from the environmental perspective in a context of credibility, trust, interpretation and participation.


However, the different points of view are visualized, from a different perspective, in order to approach the significant study based on experience, in contrast to my conclusions, in a reflexive analysis. This was carried out through triangulation, which according to Martínez (2008b), states: "from different sources of data, from different theoretical perspectives, from different observers and researchers of different methodological procedures, etc." (p.290); for the case that deserves me, it was done with respect to different information issued by different informants, taking into account the experience and knowledge of the researcher.


From there, the results obtained in the triangulation, we find that educators have a positive attitude towards the environment from the educational action, through pedagogical orientations, conversations and reflections in function to the conservation of the environment. The measures they take are through the reflection of reading short stories, cleaning the gardens, parks and rivers.


Likewise, they are unaware of the application of conservation strategies that contribute to training in environmental conservation. The school lacks the organization of its members in order to strengthen conservationist thinking, which is why they only use dialogue, debates and civic Mondays to deal with it. Likewise, there is an absence of actions that lead to the promotion of the teacher-student relationship in environmental quality. The institution lacks the application of maintenance indicators, environmental conservation, life patterns, environmental education and environmental quality; what causes that the boys and girls have not fortified their emotional and social spirit towards the conservation of the environment.


Therefore, there is an absence of the promotion of environmental quality among the members of the institution. Likewise, they consider the lack of educational actions based on the development of actions linked to learning to know, learning to be, learning to live together and learning to be in environmental quality in students and the general community. The exposed results lead to reflect on the emerging meanings of the opinions of the five key informants. Next, they are exposed through a visual representation.


Graph 1. Visual representation of emerging knowledge of key informants.


Source: The Author (2018).


5. Meaningful reflections and recommendations

The activities carried out in the planning of actions related to environmental quality were developed quite successfully, because the teachers participated spontaneously, stating that the activity represented an important interaction in the relations with the teachers of the institution and the sharing of experiences is relevant. Likewise, they were able to exchange doubts and questions about Environmental Education, raising awareness of the educational and community context.


Similarly, they reflected, verbally, continue with this type of day, since it allows the exchange of ideas, interactions with colleagues, updating knowledge, decision making, coexistence and strengthening values ​​of cooperation, union , love, solidarity and democracy. In addition, the dialogue of knowledge was facilitated, allowing to guide from the plurality of meanings, connections and relationships from the perception of realities, constructing from the individuality a collective imaginary to enrich the knowledge and the logic that sustains it, in a code that allows to enrumber ways of understanding environmental values ​​and environmental education as part of the daily life of being and its projection in the quality of life.


Therefore, the training workshops held for teachers in the perspective of environmental quality, educational-community context and environmental education, produced a motivation and interest in how to put into practice, this knowledge, when planning, organizing and controlling, the design, elaboration and execution of plans for the benefit of the students. All these actions led educators to awaken and value in a holistic manner the intervention of pluri and transdisciplinary teams, orienting themselves towards the dialogue of knowledge in a common epistemic framework, in which, in addition, the specific weight of each area of ​​knowledge.


In this order of ideas, the recommendations given are focused on: Promoting educational actions that lead to valuing and resignifying the conservation of the environment, for this purpose the implementation of the environmental gallery is proposed as a space in which there is a total atmosphere related to the Environmental values ​​and Environmental Education. To foster in the students positive and proactive attitudes toward environmental values, the conservation of each of the spaces in the school and its surroundings; agreeing to promote knowledge and socialization of healthy environments.


Other recommendations made in recommending the review, analysis and consideration of this study for the purposes that contribute to propitiate the scenarios from the school to consolidate the perspective of environmental quality and environmental education, from understanding the educational role of the teacher.


6. References

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Elizabeth María Uzcategui Herrera

e-mail: marlenism3@gmail.com


Born in Maracay, Aragua State, Venezuela, on January 7, 1972. She studied Primary at Manuel Antonio Carreño School, Maracay, Aragua State. Secondary at the Br. Elías Cordero Uzcategui Institute, Barinas, Bachelor of Science Degree, Higher Education at the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto de Mejoramiento Profesional del Magisterio (UPEL-IMPM), obtained the title of Professor of Pre-School Education. Work experience Classroom teacher of the Bolivarian Initial Education Center "Francisco Rivas", Barinas municipality, since the 2012 school year, up to the current date.


The content of this manuscript is disseminated under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International


- Original Version in Spanish -

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29394/Scientific.issn.2542-2987.2018.