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Culture and Emerging Organizational Values in the Transcomplex Management


Author: Rosa Elena Barrios Pineda

Universidad Fermín Toro, UFT


Mérida, Venezuela



Organizations are open systems where individuals interact with different cultures, values, beliefs, behaviors. Therefore, the organizational culture implies the sum of qualities, ways of being, agreements that influence the behavior of those who are part of the organization. The values ​​reflect the shared conception of what is desirable; establish guidelines for behavior, inside and outside the workplace. The purpose of the research was to generate theoretical elements related to culture and emerging organizational values ​​in transcomplex management, which allows organizations to adapt to the competitive, changing environment of the postmodern world. The Qualitative approach was used, the information was obtained through the bibliographic documentary design, the means used to collect and analyze information: review, analysis of bibliographic references, the results obtained as a result of triangulating the opinion of the authors consulted on the subject, with the opinion of the researcher: The culture and emerging values ​​in transcomplex management, depends on the philosophical, epistemological, methodological, bioethical analysis to inform its employees and users the origin, the reason for being, evolution according to the historical context, process and methods used, human dimension to understand the life of the organization.


Keywords: culture of work; cultural diversity; value systems.


Date Received: 17-01-2018

Date Acceptance: 11-04-2018



Cultura y Valores Organizacionales Emergentes en la Gerencia Transcompleja



Las organizaciones son sistemas abiertos donde interactúan individuos con diferentes culturas, valores, creencias, conductas. Por ello, la cultura organizacional implica la suma de cualidades, modos de ser, acuerdos que influyen en el proceder de los que forman parte de la organización. Los valores reflejan la concepción compartida de lo que es deseable, establecen las directrices para el comportamiento, dentro y fuera del ámbito laboral. La investigación tuvo como propósito, generar elementos teóricos relacionados con la cultura y valores organizacionales emergentes en la gerencia transcompleja, que permita a las organizaciones adaptarse al ambiente competitivo, cambiante del mundo postmoderno. Se emplea el enfoque Cualitativo, se obtuvo la información a través del diseño  documental  bibliográfico, el medio utilizado de recopilar y analizar información: revisión, análisis de  referencias bibliográficas, los resultados obtenidos producto de triangular la opinión de los  autores  consultados sobre el tema, con la opinión de la investigadora: La cultura y valores emergentes en la gerencia transcompleja, depende del análisis filosóficos, epistemológicos, metodológicos, bioéticos para dar a conocer a sus empleados y usuarios el origen, la razón de ser,  evolución en función del contexto histórico, proceso y métodos empleados, dimensión humana para entender la vida de la organización.


Palabras clave: cultura del trabajo; diversidad cultural; sistema de valores.


Fecha de Recepción: 17-01-2018

Fecha de Aceptación: 11-04-2018



1.    Introduction

Currently, organizations have the challenge of guiding, strengthening their human potential towards obtaining better results both individually, in groups and in organizations, as they move towards a paradigm shift where the value of the intangible establishes its main difference, oriented towards skills, abilities , knowledge that the organization has to face increasingly complex and competitive environments, in addition to facing challenges to evaluate the cultural elements that condition its social dynamics.


The culture of an organization is exclusive, intangible, implicit, is the result of the interaction between its members and organizational structure that allows distinguishing one organization from another, as well as being a guide in the behavior and the outcome of its members. In addition, it transmits a sense of identity, influences the behavior of employees towards a certain direction through standards, which allow them to model their attitudes and behaviors.


However, the effective functioning of an organization is conditioned by the values ​​shared among employees. According to Hofstede (2001a): states that "... values ​​are conscious and affective desires or wishes of people who guide their behavior inside and outside the workplace" (p.10), the values ​​provide guidelines for behavior in decision situations .


The organizations that pretend to be excellent must constitute the values ​​as the fundamental base in the behavior of the human resource; In turn, they represent qualities to evaluate the behavior of people, myths, rituals, beliefs, communication, and language are therefore the set of elements that constitute the essence of the organizational culture.


In this sense, it is important to consider Organizational Culture and Organizational values, as an emerging Mink, since they present a set of properties in common: complex collective behavior, sophisticated information processes and adaptation through learning or evolution. it requires internal as well as external integration of the parts that make up the organization, which would allow an in-depth analysis, to understand the importance of its characteristics: principles, beliefs, norms, strategies, leadership styles, formal and informal structure and Understand the dynamics of the organization in its environment.


On the other hand, organizations need to reinvent themselves; adapt to social, cultural, political and economic changes that allow them to survive in competitive, globalized environments and influenced by technological advances, considering that these changes directly and indirectly affect management activity. As described by Bulent and Ceylan, (2009):

As a consequence of the changes in the external environment of the organization, the business environment changes day by day, these have an impact on the success of the same, therefore, they must adapt to external changes in order to maintain and develop a sustained growth in highly competitive markets. competitive (p.140).


Any organization with aspirations of excellence should be focused on expanding knowledge, employing methods, norms, values, loyalty; that allows to face the reality, to adapt to the changing, complex and uncertain context, being fundamental for the development and progress of the same. Within this perspective are the Transcomplex organizations, these allow to promote changes from their management philosophy, considering all the organizational elements that come together in the efficient administration of resources, in the follow-up of the experiences of the organization, reflecting their success in the competition, using a more human methodology.


Transcomplex management today becomes a paradigm, is located in the reality of the organization where there is diversity of relationships, contradictions, order, disorder and uncertainty, submerged in a scenario of constant changes where satisfactory results are required to guarantee the well-being of the members of the organization.


The approaches carried out lead to generate theoretical elements related to the culture and emerging organizational values ​​in transcomplex management. In this regard, the questions of the study arise: What are the theoretical philosophical foundations related to the emerging organizational culture and values ​​in transcomplex management? Will a critical analysis from the current management context allow defining the culture and emerging values ​​in transcomplex management? Generate theoretical elements, related to the organizational culture and emerging organizational values ​​in the transcomplex management that makes it possible to adapt to the competitive and changing environment?


The general purpose of the research is to: generate theoretical elements related to culture and emerging organizational values ​​in transcomplex management that allows adapting to the competitive and changing environment of the postmodern world. For the purposes of the research will be inquired about the organizational culture and organizational values, the theory of Transcomplexity and Transcomplex organizations.


The research will be developed under the qualitative approach, also called interpretive; This approach aims to study and glimpse the culture and organizational values ​​in the current context of organizations, not only in order to know it, but also to understand and interpret it from the perceptions and meanings conceived by the different authors, in order to theorize the elements related to the culture and emerging organizational values ​​that are suitable for transcomplex management. This research is of documentary design, focuses on understanding and interpreting the opinions of the authors consulted on the reality studied from a perspective of the transcomplex approach. The research is organized: summary, abstract, introduction, background and theoretical assumptions, methodology, results, final reflections, bibliographical references.


2. Theory and Concepts

2.1. Studies Related to the Thematic

Domínguez, Rodríguez and Navarro (2009: 1-7), in their article entitled: Organizational culture for organizational health systems. In this research, the importance and knowledge of the values ​​to internalize the culture in the health organizational systems is highlighted as the main purpose. The authors came to the conclusion that the organizational culture and organizational values ​​represent important elements in the organizations before the changes of the environment, because they allow their adaptation, survival and growth, as well as; encourages motivation, participation and decision making.


The article represents an antecedent, is linked to the interest of the researcher, because it is about inquiring about the elements of culture and organizational values, which can influence the different subsystems that make up the organization, the article can provide relevant information on culture and values emerging organizations in transcomplex management that allows adapting to the competitive and changing environment.


Rodríguez and Romo (2013: 12-17), in their article entitled: Relationship between Culture and Organizational Values, whose objective was focused on determining the organizational culture and values ​​existing in workers of operational rank in a manufacturing organization and the relationship between variables under study. The results obtained by the authors revealed that the predominant organizational culture was the market culture and the organizational value of the employees is that of self-transcendence.


This article represents an antecedent; allows the researcher to make a critical stance on the relationship of culture and organizational values, identifying that they are essential variables in the organization, pretending that the human resource is empowered by mission, vision of the organization, as well; allows the interaction of their objectives, they feel motivated, which would allow their loyalty and efficiency.


2.2. Theoretical references

In the conceptual theoretical field it was necessary to know about organizational culture, organizational values, transcomplexity in management, transcomplex organizations and transcomplex organizational culture, in order to generate theoretical elements related to culture and emerging organizational values in transcomplex management that allows adapting to the environment competitive and changing postmodern world. Next, the theoretical conceptual reference is described.


2.3. Culture and Organizational Values

             When referring to the term culture, it is pointing to assumptions, beliefs, norms, values ​​with respect to reality and human nature, in addition, it represents characteristic as; ideologies, knowledge, values, laws, traditions of ethnic groups and societies. Therefore, the contexts frame a diversity of cultures; These provide elements of uniqueness to organizations, precisely are those that determine the future of the organization.


             Consequently, culture is devised as an independent and external element that intervenes in organizations, is transferred by staff to the organization, these in turn have been persuaded by institutions such as family, church, community, education, which come to be part of the organizational reality.


             According to Arias and Heredia (2009): they affirm that, "Organizational culture is a holistic complex that includes the knowledge, beliefs, values, laws, customs and any other capacity or habit shared by man as a member of a social group" (p.197). As the essence of the raison d'être of the organization, it is to achieve success; For that reason, the organizational culture establishes a model of beliefs, behaviors and values ​​for the members of the organization, which will facilitate motivation, cooperation and commitment.


             Hence, the organizational culture has been the personality of the organization, which is revealed through the employees, therefore, achieving a uniform organizational culture depends on the explicit formulation of standards, activities, values ​​so that the members of the organization internalize and adopt. Therefore, that the values ​​within the organizational culture seek that all its members identify with the activities and develop guided and self-controlled behaviors.


             Therefore, the development of an organizational culture depends on management implementing a philosophy where it is possible to conduct the performance of its members articulating beliefs, norms, commitment, attitudes, values ​​that guide the daily activities of the human resource, therefore, the property of the values ​​immersed in the individual have an essential characteristic: they allow the development of correct models of behavior; These are usually observable and permissible, as well as, the strategic importance of organizational values ​​is framed in the construction of solid and healthy cultures, allowing their perpetuity and transcendence in the market.


             In this sense Gordon (2001): indicates that, "a solid culture is determined by shared values, a communication that allows the transmission of messages that identify it and a leadership that directs the organization towards a new model of development" (p.119). Organizational values ​​provide development of human talent, creating a sense of belonging, integration and cohesion. In addition, the values ​​flexibilize, recognize, adapt norms and controls in each individual in the organization.


             Regarding the position of Hofstede (2001b): on the conception of organizational culture, he expresses that "It is characterized by being holistic, historically determined, related to the study of rituals, myths, legends, symbols and values, socially constructed, soft and difficult to change" (p.180). The organizational culture is influenced by the culture of its members and this can be efficient only when employees share values ​​that guide their behavior. Hence, values ​​are the determinant of the performance, their perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, behavior of each individual, identifying facts, processes that give their final action.


On the other hand, Gil and Ruiz (2010), state: values ​​"... reflect the shared conception of what is desirable, are the ideals accepted by the group, which establish guidelines for daily behavior" (p.203), therefore, the values ​​allow to identify, reinforce attitudinal positions to the members of the organization, which would generate stability in their operation. Therefore, the values ​​are decisive; These allow aligning individual and group behavior to achieve success in the organization.


Defining the value systems is very useful because they point to the success of the organization, therefore, it is required that they be designed, exposed and implemented within the reality of performance in the performance of each of its members. In this regard, Koontz (2001): express that organizational values ​​"... is a solid conviction about what is appropriate and what is not, which guides the actions and behavior of employees in fulfilling the purposes of the organization" (p.349). Likewise, internalizing the values ​​allows to strengthen the performance capabilities of the human resource to promote favorable changes in the organization, for which it is the responsibility of the management to inform its members of the plans, strategies, decisions, as well as, of the good, correct, expected.


Therefore, organizational values ​​are related according to the context of application, culture and philosophy of the organization. In this regard, Schein (2005): states that "The Core Values ​​are fundamental beliefs shared by the members of the organization and that influence their behavior. These are disseminated through formal statements of mission and corporate purpose" (p.60). From there, the culture and organizational values ​​are part of the premises of the society where it is inserted, producing a basic coherence between the organization and social environment.


2.4. Transcomplexity in Management

Currently everything has to do with everything, the parts with the whole and the whole with the parts; as noted, Schavino and Villegas (2010): who describe that it is not possible to manage without the relational approach; where the texture of the whole is conceived as the combination, mixture, changes, interlacing; characterized by chance, uncertainty and a unified field of possibilities of being.


Therefore, management in transcomplex organizations, is the search for the elements that make beings different, is to find in them the unity, the totality; it is to go beyond the constitution of a whole, to perceive the interaction, feedback of the processes, to become a whole; without losing sight of your individuality. This vision implies that the human resource within the organization must act on the planned with the aim of adjusting to the dynamic, complex, innovative technology context, in which the human procedure integrates the organizational procedure, in order to improve the organizational processes guaranteeing success and permanence in the market.


However, transdisciplinary thinking according to Lanz (2011a): "... is achieved from the ability of society to adapt depending more and more on the set of intellectual skills, knowledge and techniques acquired, as well as the capabilities to solve problems that have their members" (p.101), therefore, the essence of transcomplex management is to conceptualize the organization as a whole, to find the potential of the workers by virtue of guaranteeing an optimum level of knowledge in the intervention of any part of the work process. , achieving progress and well-being, both individual and organizational.


Among other ideas, the transcomplex approach considers human talent as the most significant element of the organization, also includes artificial intelligence as an indispensable element in the work routine to achieve the objectives; as well as, manages the different resources from a broader perspective, through different courses of action.


Therefore, the importance, scope and impact of transcomplex organizations must be framed within the paradigm of complexity that, according to Etkin (2010), states: "Complexity is an approach that considers the organization as a space where coexistence disorder and order, reason and unreason, harmonies and dissonances" (p.28). From this perspective, the organization must appropriate the transcomplex approach, this will allow different attitudes, feelings, thoughts and a new action to come together among the members of the organization, generating motivation, greater cohesion and communication between them.


That is why, in any public or private organization is essential to strengthen creativity, motivation, commitment of its members to achieve high levels of competitiveness, it also requires new actions in the direction of human resources, manage, perceive the environment internal and external to achieve its effectiveness. Therefore, the reality of the organization requires looking for alternatives that help to renew the organizational culture.


On the other hand, organizations must focus directly on the effectiveness of human resources, on the reciprocity of individual, group and management labor relations, taking into account the organization as a whole. These elements mark the new paradigm; the one of the transcomplexity; this in function of developing, transforming the mechanistic, structural, hierarchical organizational system that seeks to reach only the organizational objectives regardless of what happens outside the organization, to an organizational system based on the dialogical relations between the internal-external environment, in the productivity of the human-organizational resource, in managing to adapt to the social environment where it operates.


So, being, is the soul of the organization and as such is the driver of organizational processes incorporating artificial intelligence, is the link between the organization and the social environment, seeks to find the excellence of the organization and satisfaction own. 


In this sense, the transcomplex vision in organizations implies that the members that are part of them must think holistically; they must go beyond the established processes, from the conventional, contribute to compliance with the rules, to possible solutions that allow them to adapt efficiently to the increasingly confusing and unstable context that organizations face. In this regard says, Morin (2008):

The challenge of transcomplex organizations is contextualized in the need to have breadth in knowledge, in the use of methods, paradigms; in the need to accept and resort to any belief and / or discipline that allows us to attend to reality, adapt to the environment, postmodernity being the fundamental paradigm that is presented, from which one can think and do the organizations of today's world (p.89).


Therefore, human capital is considered the productive attribute of the organization, for its ability to face the challenges of the environment through its skills, knowledge, techniques; as well as; of his ability to solve problems, giving rise to learning by doing as a team; important condition to face possible challenges that may arise in the organizational context.


On the other hand, Lanz (2011b): manifests "A transcomplex organizational culture is not only a theoretical postulation of desirable horizon; it is about the emergence of a new rationality" (p.168). The challenge of the organizational culture transcompleja this in the cohesion between the philosophy of the organization and the thought - attitude of its members in order to face reality and adapt to the changing, complex and uncertain environment surrounding the organization; being fundamental for the development of these.


3.    Methodological Approach

The research will be developed under the qualitative approach, and according to Rojas (2010): "... is a way of conceiving reality, some methods to approach the study, as well as techniques and instruments according to these methods and procedures of analysis and validation congruent with the theoretical foundations that sustain it" (p.11). In this sense, the aim is to study and understand the emerging organizational culture and values in transcomplex management. The way in which the information of the studied reality was obtained was through the bibliographic documentary design. According to, Chávez (2007):

It is done on the basis of documents or bibliographic review, based on written documents, statistics, official and private archives. The purpose is to collect information from written documents, not written that can be analyzed, can be classified as qualitative research (p.130).


The procedure used to obtain and analyze the information was oriented in the research and bibliographic analysis consistent with the study context. The results obtained are the product of triangulating the opinion of the expert authors consulted on the subject, with the opinion of the researcher, which allowed to generate theoretical elements related to the culture and emerging organizational values in the transcomplex management. 


4.    Presentation of Findings

With respect to the philosophical foundations of the organizational culture and contrasted organizational values, it was determined: the organizational culture exerts influence on individuals, groups and organizational processes, as well as, allows the members of the organization to interact in the solution of problems, focused In the attitudes, values, expectations, shared beliefs that have been incorporated into the organization, therefore, they must consider a series of cultural elements that allow them to implement management strategies.


The values ​​must be explicit since they guide the procedure within the organization; they are communicated through stories, myths, legends; the organization must be consistent with them, in order to create a culture where decisions and operations are developed according to them, hence, there can be no culture without values.


In reference to the organizational culture, it establishes knowledge, rules, rules, laws, habits, customs that regulate behavior in the workplace, which is beneficial for its members; it allows to moderate the behavior that could cause disturbances in the work environment or disregard of the constituted norms. In addition, it is an important element to predict the order and consistency of the life of the organization.


It was determined that the current era is characterized by globalization, where uncertainty, risk and sudden changes, establish among themselves a set of factors that do not allow the organization to develop, adapt, stay in the market in a successful manner, it is for This means that a new, holistic, reinventing perspective is needed, where its values ​​and beliefs are redefined, therefore, organizations must transform the way they perceive and value their members, propitiating bidirectional communication spaces that allow the construction joint in the innovation of culture in the organization.


In terms of transcomplexity, organizations must be focused on the search for their identity through culture, norms, values, loyalty; to the integration and sense of unity of the human dimension; in this way, it would approach the comprehension of reality and adapt to the changing, complex and uncertain context, being fundamental for its development. The vision of transcomplex management is inclined towards the human being and as such must be open to learning, to criticism, to the ethical, to transform reality; elements that will allow productivity, prosperity and well-being of its members and the organization.


The emerging organizational culture and values ​​in transcomplex management imply that the people and work groups that are part of them must think transdisciplinarily; they must have responsibility, qualities, skills, abilities, principles, values, and social commitment. In addition, be trained in using technological tools to carry out their work, with the purpose of developing and implementing strategies that allow them to adapt efficiently to the constant changes in the organizational environment.


The challenge is to have a human resource with capacities, skills that allow them to produce, to perform at their maximum; similarly, it must be motivated to effectively operate the organization's perspectives. Hence, commitment, creativity, knowledge, information management are considered; important elements that human resources must possess in the transcomplex organization.


5.    Final reflection

Organizations are undergoing changes and are reorganizing themselves as a product of postmodern cultural dynamics, they are obliged to manage with emerging logics, dislodging themselves from traditional practices of leading the organization, with a new organizational vision that goes hand in hand with the importance of the human approach and the technological tools in order to promote an approach that allows social and organizational integration, offering a quality service adapted to reality, opening up creativity, ethics, logic, absurdity, sustainability, technology , to knowledge, to the uncertain; in order to be able to solve difficulties and have the ability to make sound decisions.


Finally, in order to develop a culture and values ​​in transcomplex management, a careful analysis of the philosophical, epistemological, theoretical, methodological and bioethical elements is required to inform its employees and users, the origin, the reason for being, its evolution in function of the historical context of the processes and methods used for the execution of strategies and the human dimension to understand the reason for being of the organization.


6. References

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Rosa Elena Barrios Pineda

e-mail: rosele_barrios2006@hotmail.com


Born in Mérida, Mérida state, Venezuela. Graduate in Administration, graduated from the Universidad de los Andes. (ULA), Merida State Merida. Specialist in Health Services Management at the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB). Master in Robinsonian Education at the Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University. (UNESR). Administrator in the IPASME, Vigía, Mérida state. Teacher, in the Aggregate Category of the Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University (UNESR). Núcleo el Vigía, state of Mérida.


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- Original Version in Spanish -

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29394/Scientific.issn.2542-2987.2018.