Techno education in the context of active methodologies




techno education, active methodologies, models


Techno education or also called digital pedagogy, focuses on collaboratively developing concepts, practices and ideas associated with academic innovation with technological support focused on the development of active methodologies. It is important to distinguish between cooperation and collaboration, which is a term that is often used synonymously; According to Soto and Torres (2016), in reference to this he points out:

An important aspect that distinguishes collaborative from cooperative work is that the role of the teacher is more protagonist, leads the team or work group with greater leadership and ensures that students do their part to achieve a shared goal. On the other hand, in the collaborative approach, the teacher only acts as a facilitator and the group assumes the responsibility of carrying out the activities collectively and thus fulfilling its goals and objectives (pp. 2-3).

In relation to what is mentioned, the teacher's collaborative management must be immersed in active pedagogies that pursue learning based on practice and in learning environments led by constructivist, connectivist, socio-constructivist models; which are concretized by the active methodologies that define the precise ways of facilitating student learning.


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Author Biography

César Raúl Méndez Carpio, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, UCACUE

Nacido en Cuenca, Ecuador, el 22 de febrero del año 1971. Dr. en Ciencias de la Educación, especialidad Ordenadores en la Universidad Católica de Cuenca (UCACUE); Lcdo. en Ciencias de la Educación, especialidad Ordenadores en la Universidad Católica de Cuenca (UCACUE); Magister en Docencia y Currículo para la Educación Superior en la Universidad Técnica de Ambato (UNITA); Magister en Administración de Empresas en la Universidad del Azuay (UDA); Auditor de normas ISO 9001, 21001 Y BASC. Actualmente Jefe de Investigación y evaluación en la Unidad Educativa de FF.AA Colegio Militar No. 4 “Abdón Calderón” y Docente Titular en la Universidad Católica de Cuenca (UCACUE); acreditado como Investigador en la Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT) con el No. REG-INV-21-04948.


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Rojas, B. (2021). La Educación en un Mundo sin Fronteras. Revista Scientific, 6(19), 279-294, e-ISSN: 2542-2987. Recuperado de:

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How to Cite

Méndez Carpio, C. R. (2022). Techno education in the context of active methodologies. Revista Scientific, 7(23), 10–20.

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