Methodology for the Evaluation of Educational Software: A Vision from Training to Praxis




software, methodology, ISO-9126, learning process, didactic content, tic


The objective of this article is to propose a methodology for the evaluation of educational software focused on the formation of praxis, aimed at improving the learning process of didactic contents. The theoretical bases of the study contain important aspects for the development of the work such as educational software, software evaluation methodology, ISO-9126 standard methodology, learning process; among others. Ontologically, the research was developed in the educational context, considering itself as an institution of a social nature with a complex feeling in its formative procedure, in the same way it was framed in a qualitative investigation, epistemologically supported under the interpretive paradigm, with the phenomenological method, using for the data collection in-depth interview. The inquiry obtained was systematized through coding, categorization, contrasting, and triangulation. These aspects allowed us to summarize the most outstanding categories that emerged from the study. The proposal originated the essential aspects to structure the methodological model based on the ADDIE model to evaluate the educational software for the Foundation National Center for Development and Research in Free Technologies (CENDITEL), the results of the implementation of the educational technological tools that are being generating in their institutional spaces.


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Author Biography

Carlos Liborio Camacho Quintero, Universidad de Los Andes, ULA

Nacido en Mérida, Venezuela, el 25 de marzo del año 1971. Doctor en Gerencia Avanzada de la Universidad Fermín Toro (UFT); Doctor en Ciencias por la Educación de la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL); Post-Doctor en Gerencia para el Desarrollo Humano por la Universidad de Los Andes (ULA); Gestión de Ciencia y Tecnología por la Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín (URBE); Políticas Públicas y Educación por la Universidad Nacional Experimental del Yaracuy (UNEY); Filosofía en Investigación por la (UNEY); Investigación Educativa por la (UPEL); Magíster Scientiarum en Gerencia Empresarial por la (UFT); Especialista en Telemática e Informática en EaD por la Universidad Nacional Abierta (UNA); Ingeniero de Sistemas del Politécnico Santiago Mariño (PSM); Licenciado en Administración de Empresas por la (UNA); Abogado por la Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora  (UNELLEZ); Técnico Superior Universitario en Informática por el Instituto Universitario de Tecnología “Dr. Cristóbal Mendoza” (IUTCM); Técnico Superior Universitario en Administración Mención Mercadotecnia por el Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Antonio José de Sucre (IUTAJS); Profesor Universitario; Componente Docente (ULA); Investigador PEII ONCTI, PEII ULA.


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How to Cite

Camacho Quintero, C. L. (2023). Methodology for the Evaluation of Educational Software: A Vision from Training to Praxis. Revista Scientific, 8(27), 62–80.