Gross Domestic Product and Employment in the Department of Amazonas, Peru. Period 2007-2021
Producto Bruto Interno y Empleo en el Departamento de Amazonas, Perú. Periodo 2007-2021
gross domestic product, employment, underemployment, unemployment, Amazonas, PeruAbstract
Economic growth, measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is supposed to drive employment. However, this relationship may vary according to the context. This study seeks to determine the relationship between GDP and the employment level in the department of Amazonas, Peru, during 2007-2021. Using data from the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), a correlational and quantitative analysis was applied. The results show a weak negative correlation (r = -0,17) between GDP and the employment rate, with no linear relationship. GDP grew an average of 6,4%, while the employment rate did not increase significantly. A strong positive correlation (r = 0,76) was found between GDP and adequate employment, explaining 57,4% of the variation. There was a strong negative correlation (r = -0,78) between GDP and underemployment, explaining 61% of the variation. The correlation between GDP and the unemployment rate was weakly positive (r = 0,15), explaining only 2,18% of the variation. In conclusion, economic growth in Amazonas did not translate proportionally into improvements in employment indicators during the studied period, with differentiated impacts according to the type of employment. These findings contribute to understanding the complex relationship between growth and employment.
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