Challenge of the XXI Century in education: making leaps from ICT-TAC to TEP
education, ict, teacher, cooperative, collaborativeAbstract
It is evident that the educational process has undergone a significant change due to the incursion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); Cooperative Learning Technology (TAC), which is why this research work is focused on use, its advantages and disadvantages. The importance of the implementation of ICT from an early age to achieve a TAC and Technologies of Empowerment and Participation (TEP) in the future, as a challenge in education, with collaborative and cooperative work, among others, and obtain significant learning with inventive, creative-reflective students what is needed for this society. In addition, the role of the teacher and the student changes when using ICT and social networks correctly as tools managed by all, thus modifying traditional education to an interactive education through WhatsApp involving parents or legal representatives of the educational triangle within of this process. On the other hand, the existing gaps that limit the use of ICT in an institution are analyzed, being internal and external. The teacher of the 21st century is a key piece to change education in times of emergency as we are living it and to develop critical thinking from an early age.
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