Instrumental and Integrative Motivation in University Students
Motivación Instrumental e integrativa en Estudiantes Universitarios
student motivation, language learning, language teaching, english as a foreign language, higher educationAbstract
This research examines instrumental and integrative motivation in learning English as a foreign language, considering its fundamental importance in successful language acquisition. The objective was to identify these types of motivation in A2-level students at a language center in an Ecuadorian public university. A quantitative approach with non-experimental design and descriptive method was employed, using a validated questionnaire applied to a sample of 229 students. Results revealed a high overall motivation level (mean=4.040), with integrative motivation (mean=4.210) predominating over instrumental motivation (mean=3.870). The most influential factors were the desire to travel abroad and job prospects for instrumental motivation, while access to cultural content and interaction with native speakers stood out in integrative motivation. It is concluded that students value English not only as a practical tool but as a means of cultural connection, suggesting a transformation in the traditional perspective of foreign language learning in the Ecuadorian university context.
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