Copyright Notice
Publication Rights for Authors
Typically, the copyright holder on an article or essay is the original creator or the author of the manuscript.
The Authors manifest to be the author and legitimate holder of the intellectual property rights with respect to the article / essay and in that capacity they wish to collaborate with "Scientific" Multidisciplinary Arbitrated Journal of Socio Educational Research, published quarterly by the Editorial of the Instituto Internacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Educativo INDTEC, C.A., within the number of said publication located in:
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An erroneous and widespread idea is that manuscripts published on the Internet are in the public domain and, therefore, can be used freely by anyone without authorization from the right holder. The Revista Scientific is protected regardless of whether it has been published on paper or on the Internet. In all cases, it is usually necessary to obtain the authorization of the right holder before using it, outside the license stipulated by INDTEC.
The Instituto Internacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Educativo INDTEC, C.A., adheres to a general attribution license granted on said website; called CC-BY-NC-SA. Licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.
*The Opinions issued in the signed articles, exclusively commit their Authors.