Challenges of Social Integration through Financial Inclusion of the Disabled Population (OMAPED)
financial inclusion, disabled population, finance system, financial educationAbstract
The specific needs of the population with disabilities merit particular attention to financial products and services, and obstacles arise that prevent them from fully satisfying their needs and exercising their rights. The study, developed from a qualitative perspective, basic type, analyzes the causes that limit financial inclusion in the context of the OMAPED of Paramonga. The purpose of the study was to capture the perception of the possibilities of access and use of the variety of financial products and services. Three informants selected under criteria assigned by the researcher were considered, complementing the inquiry with documentary analysis and non-participant observation. In conclusion, the existence of adversities of Financial Inclusion for the OMAPED population with disabilities is a consequence of a lack of coordination between public and private institutions due to the absence of suitable communication regarding the benefits of Financial Inclusion for this specific population. There are efforts to achieve this inclusion with the current regulatory framework being insufficient; there are limitations regarding the categories of access, use and quality in the attention of financial inclusion to this population sector, a fact that does not allow an adequate use of services and full insertion of their rights in society.
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