Prevalence, risk factors, and HBsAg surface antigen of Hepatitis B in an LGBTIQ+ community
hepatitis B, LGBTIQ community, prevalence, risk factors, health policiesAbstract
This study is based on the need to address the prevalence of the HBsAg Hepatitis B surface antigen in the LGBTIQ+ community in Ecuador, highlighting the urgency for inclusive public health strategies. The objective is to assess the prevalence and associated risk factors in this population. Using a cross-sectional analysis methodology with a quantitative approach, surveys and HBsAg detection tests were applied to a sample of 65 LGBTIQ+ individuals. The results reveal a prevalence of 23.07% and specific risk factors, such as inconsistent condom use, especially with casual partners, and anal penetration. The conclusions emphasize the importance of prevention and education programs tailored to the needs of the LGBTIQ+ community, promoting safe sexual practices and equitable access to health services. This study contributes to making visible the health situation of this frequently marginalized group, evidencing the need for more research and inclusive and effective public health interventions.
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