Analysis of endogenous and exogenous factors that affect student repetition
school repetition, endogenous factors, exogenous factors, strategiesAbstract
One of the problems that has been evidenced in the technical and technological Institutes of Higher Education (IES) is school repetition, the same that affects the student population and generates problems at a personal, family and social level, which would lead to school failure; generating a high additional cost for the educational system. With regard to the country's Technical and Technological Institutes, there are no precise data on the magnitude of this problem, nor the factors that produce it; Therefore, no strategies have been proposed to contribute to solving the problem. The present investigation was carried out at the Higher Technological Institute of Azuay (Tec Azuay), with the purpose of determining the endogenous and exogenous factors that affect the school repetition of students and, in this way, demonstrate the reality faced by technical institutes. and technological public regarding the subject. For the collection of information, secondary sources were used through the bibliographic review; and primary through a qualitative methodology with a participatory approach, through interviews, focus groups and feedback workshops. The results determined some factors such as: family pressure, class improvisation, different levels of knowledge, state quota allocation policies, among others.
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