Program for the Didactic Integration of Contents of Environmental Education


  • Johana Carolina González González Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL



program, didactic integration, environmental education


The present research will aim to establish a program for the didactic integration of the environmental contents developed in the first grade of the Maria La Rivas Salas School Group, located in the Barinas State of Barinas, for the 2014-2015 school year. This article was framed in an action research participation (IAP), and is under a nature of qualitative research. Three (03) teachers of the first grade of the institution were taken as social actors. As technique, participant observation and in-depth interview of unstructured type were used. For the analysis of the information was proceeded to categorize, triangular and later theorize. Likewise, the reliability and validity to verify the information. As conclusions, the design, execution and evaluation of a program developed through an action plan that presented strategies for the didactic integration of the contents of environmental education organized taking into account three dimensions that allow to contribute to the process of teaching and learning in the First grade of the María La Rivas Salas School Group, namely: (a) Awareness raising, (b) Knowledge development and, (c) Social participation and integration.          


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Author Biography

Johana Carolina González González, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL

The present research will aim to establish a program for the didactic integration of the environmental contents developed in the first grade of the Maria La Rivas Salas School Group, located in the Barinas State of Barinas, for the 2014-2015 school year. This article was framed in an action research participation (IAP), and is under a nature of qualitative research. Three (03) teachers of the first grade of the institution were taken as social actors. As technique, participant observation and in-depth interview of unstructured type were used. For the analysis of the information was proceeded to categorize, triangular and later theorize. Likewise, the reliability and validity to verify the information. As conclusions, the design, execution and evaluation of a program developed through an action plan that presented strategies for the didactic integration of the contents of environmental education organized taking into account three dimensions that allow to contribute to the process of teaching and learning in the First grade of the María La Rivas Salas School Group, namely: (a) Awareness raising, (b) Knowledge development and, (c) Social participation and integration.


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How to Cite

González González, J. C. (2017). Program for the Didactic Integration of Contents of Environmental Education. Revista Scientific, 2(5), 105–124.