Professional Learning Communities in Intercultural Bilingual Education
Las Comunidades Profesionales de Aprendizaje en la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe
professional community, learning, bilingual intercultural education, curricular elementsAbstract
The efficient management of the curriculum demands the execution of cooperative and collaborative work between teachers to guarantee quality in the teaching-learning process. The objective of this research is to strengthen the knowledge and application of the curricular elements used in the Intercultural Bilingual Education System (EIB) through the implementation of a Professional Learning Community (CPA) under the virtual modality with institutions in Zone 6. The design was based on a qualitative approach, with the collaboration of 351 EIB teachers. To diagnose the problem, an online survey was applied; focus group interviews were generated in the analysis and interpretation of data. The results show improvements in the management of the curriculum and the MOSEIB, together with other competencies related to teamwork. Finally, the positive impact of the work carried out by the CPA in the EIB educational context is highlighted.
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