The Neuroscience and Vitalogy Emerging Paradigm in the Management of the Millennium


  • Rosa Virginia Garcia Betancourt Universidad Fermín Toro, UFT



vitalogy, neurosciences, management, neuromanagement


This essay is a theoretical construct called the ongoing investigation: Vitalogy and neurosciences as an emerging paradigm for smart organizations, health sector case, this as a contribution to innovations leadership tools for the XXI century, in this investigation open and humanistic model that integrates the visions of vitology as a discipline that deals with the study of the laws of life will be designed, while the neurosciences whose discipline studies brain organization from addressing biological, psychological and social. Where both visions of a contribution to the emergent paradigms in management. Day organizations look reality in seeking to improve leadership, ideas, experiences, expectations, emotions and attitudes of managers, employees and customers. Thence that all management with leadership, in this case in the area of health perceptions have their own version of reality, where the internal dynamics is an emergent paradigm that registers emotions and manages experiences, under a synchronic vision of reality and dynamic context. The theoretical construct: the vitalogy, neurosciences, neuromanagenment, emergent paradigm in management.


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Author Biography

Rosa Virginia Garcia Betancourt, Universidad Fermín Toro, UFT

Rosa Virginia García Betancourt: Born in Venezuela. Dr. in Psychology, Clinical Psychologist, Master in Child and Youth Psychology. Master in Learning Difficulties. PhD in Health Sciences and Education. Reconstructive Clinical Hypnosis Hypnotherapist Specialized Center in Psychology and Integrative Sexology CEPSI, México, DF. Member of the American Association of Hypnotherapists.


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How to Cite

Garcia Betancourt, R. V. (2017). The Neuroscience and Vitalogy Emerging Paradigm in the Management of the Millennium. Revista Scientific, 2(6), 366–382.