The Technology and its Incidence in the Society of Knowledge in School Age


  • Tania Margarita Martínez De Padrón Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe, ULAC



technology, social system, knowledge


The essay to present bases its content on the impact that is causing the use of information technology and communication in the knowledge society of school age, specifically in the Venezuelan Primary Education. It is emphasized in the development of the same, the participation of the teacher before the utility of these means and the orientation that this one offers to the students. Likewise, the public policies on ICT and education offered by the Venezuelan Government, the possession of ICT in homes and the impact of new technologies on the daily work of children and adolescents in primary education are highlighted. Along the same, the conditions are specified to be able to develop a significant technological learning and its connection with the achievement of a collective intelligence. It is worth noting that the essay sees the situation in relation to the aforementioned technologies and the challenges faced by the teacher to make the most of learning and to make the knowledge society well-known among school children.


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Author Biography

Tania Margarita Martínez De Padrón, Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe, ULAC

Nacida en Venezuela. Licenciada en Educación egresada de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez (UNERS). Especialista en Planificación y Evaluación (UNERS). Diplomado en Investigación. Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (UNEFA). Magister Scientiarum en Tecnología Educativa. Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (UNEFA). Doctorante en Ciencias de la Educación Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe (ULAC). Subdirectora y Docente de Aula en ejercicio de la: U.E.E. “La cruz”. Docente de Postgrado de la Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (UNEFA). Tutora de Tesis de Postgrado (UNEFA).


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How to Cite

Martínez De Padrón, T. M. (2018). The Technology and its Incidence in the Society of Knowledge in School Age. Revista Scientific, 3(8), 361–372.