People with Special Conditions and their Sexuality


  • Janeth Margarita Rodríguez Gómez Universidad de Carabobo, UC



special education, sexuality, family environment, communication


People who have any special condition or difficulty to fully perform their basic functions, learning, social, among others; they require that their condition be respected and that the school triad provide them with all kinds of information, moreover, information that will help them to exercise a sexuality without internal conflicts. Conceptually, the Special Educational Needs are referred to a condition that people present and is affecting some aspect of their life, be it pedagogical, physical, or structurally organic. The purpose of the essay was to interpret sexuality in students with SEN for the development of their potential. In this sense, a special educational need represents everything that is essential for the acquisition of the objectives or aims of education. Therefore, in short, this research is aimed at students achieving maximum personal and social growth during their schooling; in accordance with pedagogical support, educational services or institutes, which are trained as responsible beings, protected from abuse and express their sexual impulses in the same way as others are accepted socially, in addition to receiving sexual education from professionals or relatives.


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Author Biography

Janeth Margarita Rodríguez Gómez, Universidad de Carabobo, UC

Nacida en Puerto Cabello, Estado Carabobo, Venezuela. Docente activa del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación con 23 años a nivel de Primaria y Educación Especial. Experiencia laboral Universitaria: IUPMA, CUAM, UPEL, UNERS, UNA, ULAC, IUTEPAL y Misión Sucre. Estudios: Lic. En Educación, mención Educación Especial en la Universidad de Carabobo en Valencia. Maestría en Educación mención Educación Especial Integral en la Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Valencia, Dra. en Ciencias de la Educación de la ULAC. Investigadora y formadora de docentes. Asesora y Tutora de tesis a nivel de maestría y doctorado. Directora del Instituto de Educación Especial “Puerto Cabello”. Árbitro de artículos. Línea de Investigación: Educación, Integración y Desarrollo Regional e Inclusión Social.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Gómez, J. M. (2018). People with Special Conditions and their Sexuality. Revista Scientific, 3(9), 322–336.