Role of the Educational Manager and its Community Interaction: A Sociocrítica Perspective
manager, desarrollo comunitario, interacción socialAbstract
In the current historical moment of educational transformation that the world is experiencing, it is necessary to reaffirm and consolidate the joint work of the school-community binomial. The objective of this study is to generate a theoretical approach to the role of the educational manager and their interaction with the community, under the socio-critical approach, as well as in their environment, represented in this case, by the Communal Councils. These Communal Councils, as an instance of protagonist participation of citizens in the daily actions of social work, have become a technical, operative and functional tool that enables community life in a healthy peace. The research was developed under the qualitative - interpretative approach, through the phenomenological - hermeneutic method, which allowed to unveil, to know, to interpret understand and to construct the theoretical approach from the empirical and epistemic knowledge of the key informants. The analysis techniques for information processing were categorical analysis, structuring, contrast, triangulation and theorization. The results obtained allowed to know the weaknesses about the interaction of the management with the members of the community, as well as the ignorance in the legal context and scope in the public and social policies, denoting a separation that harms the integral formation of the students. Therefore, it is recommended to deepen the work proposed here in order to allow the practice of strategies and pedagogical actions that could benefit both ways.
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