Use of the Facebook as a Technological Tool in the Environmental Educational Process




social network, learning processes, environmental education


The objective of this research is to propose the use of Facebook as a technological tool in the educational process, at the "San José" Barinas ETAS. The present investigation was developed under the modality of Project Feasible, based on a field investigation of descriptive character; with a population of 38 subjects made up of Director, Coordinators, Field Technicians and Teachers of areas. For the selection of the sample because it is small and representative, the entire population was taken. For the collection of information, the survey technique was used and a questionnaire of 20 items of closed questions was used as a tool, with a Likert scale (Always, Almost Always, Sometimes, Never). The validity of the instrument was carried out through the expert judgment technique. In order to obtain reliability, Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was applied, yielding results of 0.90. In the proposed research, the proposal is aimed at teachers for the use of said technological tool in the teaching and learning process. Likewise, include within the planning content related to the environment and design strategies that will arouse interest and motivation in students.


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Author Biography

Ender Alejandro Morón Hernández, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL

Nacido en Boconó, estado Trujillo, Venezuela. Licenciado en Educación Mención Docencia Agropecuaria en la Universidad Experimental Simón Rodríguez, Núcleo Araure, estado Portuguesa (2011); Técnico Superior Universitario en Tecnología Agrícola Mención Fitotecnia en la Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales, IUTEMAR, Extensión Boconó. Actualmente me desempeño como Técnico de Campo en la Escuela Técnica Agronómica Salesiana “San José” Barinas, estado Barinas, desde el año 2007. Facilitador en el área de Informática en la Escuela Estadal Cerro de Cunaviche, Parroquia Guaramacal, abril-junio 2007. Municipio Boconó, estado Trujillo.


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How to Cite

Morón Hernández, E. A. (2019). Use of the Facebook as a Technological Tool in the Environmental Educational Process. Revista Scientific, 4(11), 103–120.