The Intercultural Education
intercultural education, complexity, culture principle, the principle of autopoiesis, curriculum designAbstract
Intercultural education is defined and conceived as a continuous process of development learning at all educational levels and integrators axes of Education, where the state with the participation of the family and society promote cultural diversity in the educational process citizen. That is why the aim of this study was to analyze aspects of intercultural education in order to foster the potential to ensure their integration into the proposals coming in curriculum design. It was based on the theory of complexity (Morin, 2008, 2001a, 2001b) and the Theory of the Intercultural Education (Yampara, 2001). Methodologically was an analytical and documentary research which is inserted in studies of theoretical development. In that regard, it relied on authors such as Manual Pedagogical University Experimental Libertador (2003), Arias (2006: 27), Sánchez (2000). As a result it was found that aspects of complexity are present in the intercultural education in the form of principles such as the dialogic principle, the recursive principle, hologram tic principle, the principle of culture, the principle of autopoiesis, the principle of identity and the value of knowledge and wisdom, concluding that it can be said that intercultural education is present in the principles of complexity and are represented.
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