School Integration Partner Triangle in Educational and Cultural Activities of U.E.E. "Hilarion Alberto Viloria"


  • Wilmer José Pérez Rojas Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”, UNERMB



integration school - community, community motivation, the teacher as being transformative changes


The objective of this research was to develop an action plan for the integration of the school triangle to educational and socio-cultural activities of the U. E. E. Hilarion Alberto Viloria. diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation: To achieve this objective the methodology proposed by Pérez (2000), in its four phases are discussed. It was concluded that teachers are the key element for social change in the paradigm shifts of education which will provide a number of opportunities to produce changes and transformations not only in organizational strategies, but values ​​embedded in teaching practices. With regard to planning, taking into account the results obtained in the diagnosis, it became necessary to plan action plans grounded in the participation of social actors. Should promote the inclusion of securities ownership and sustainability among members of the school and community, social actors favoring a change in attitude conducive cultures of the good citizen towards sustainable lifestyles.


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How to Cite

Pérez Rojas, W. J. (2016). School Integration Partner Triangle in Educational and Cultural Activities of U.E.E. "Hilarion Alberto Viloria". Revista Scientific, 1(2), 254–273.

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