The Educational Fact from Family Involvement: A Transdisciplinary Matter




education, life style, family, student


Educating in postmodern times becomes a real challenge, especially for families, who in the face of complex situations surrounding current socio-economic dynamics, strive to meet basic student needs such as food, footwear, clothing, supplies, trying in parallel to reach a appropriate lifestyle, perhaps closer to the material, but away from the human and the spiritual. From this perspective, the current situation demands assuming the educational fact in correspondence with the demands of a dynamic, controversial world, under a transdisciplinary vision. The following essay tries to reconsider from the onto-epistemic, the importance of the family in the educational fact, as well as of the communicative action in the social construct, the phenomenological in a complex society, interpreting the daily occurrence in the schools, scenario in which the subjects try to fight against the culture of "having more", forgetting the most valuable, the formation and consolidation of the human being in his social bond between the family and the school (son-student). In other words, an attempt is made to reveal a reflection on the participation of the family in the educational event based on trans-disciplinarity.


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Author Biography

Carmen Idalina Vielma Rondón, Universidad Fermín Toro, UFT

Nacida en Mérida, Venezuela, el 11 de diciembre de 1967. Originalmente obtengo el título de TSU en Agrotécnia en el Instituto Universitario Tecnológico de Ejido, Mérida, actualmente Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Mérida Kléber Ramirez, (UPTM); Posteriormente, inicié mi proceso de formación, adquiriendo los títulos de TSU y Profesora en Educación Integral; Magíster en Educación Mención Estrategias de Aprendizaje, con Tesis de grado Mención Publicación; y Especialista en Derecho Educativo; con 23 años de servicio; me he desempeñado como docente de aula; docente investigadora; Coordinadora pedagógica; Directora(e); Docente con Función Supervisora; Coordinadora Regional de Escuelas Bolivarianas, Mérida; Facilitadora en Talleres y cursos de formación pedagógica; asesora y tutora metodológica.


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How to Cite

Vielma Rondón, C. I. (2020). The Educational Fact from Family Involvement: A Transdisciplinary Matter. Revista Scientific, 5(15), 289–304.