Leadership Management Personnel in Primary Education Subsystem. EU. “Dr. Amilcar Fonseca”





leadership, management education, organization


The purpose of this research is to determine the leadership of the management staff in the subsystem of primary education Educational Unit "Dr. Amílcar Fonseca "County Candelaria Trujillo state. The study was descriptive type that helped deepen understanding, knowledge and variable information posed: leadership, using a field design because the information was obtained on the same site the facts; ie, where the school was delimited research. In relation to the sample population worked with 43 teachers working in the institution to which they applied an instrument type questionnaire composed of multiple alternative 36 items and its validation was granted three (03) experts who verified the compliance methodological criteria required for that purpose. While reliability was 0.98 using Cronbach alpha coefficient. The results showed that on campus management does not use different types of leadership; It was concluded that the relevant time current educational managers must combine different paradigms in his leadership.


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How to Cite

Araujo Araujo, Y. E. (2016). Leadership Management Personnel in Primary Education Subsystem. EU. “Dr. Amilcar Fonseca”. Revista Scientific, 1(2), 274–294. https://doi.org/10.29394/scientific.issn.2542-2987.2016.