Teaching Researcher Competences Built during University Training
research, teacher qualifications, professional trainingAbstract
The university at this time, is the ideal context for encounters and exchange of knowledge, mediated by outgoing logics and worldviews, seeking their belief and social significance. This scientific article is based on the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative approach. Its general objective is to create methodological principles concerning the investigative competences of the teacher, built during their university education. Supported by theoretical references such as those of Gallardo (2003); Ordóñez (2017), among others. The methodology is descriptive, supported by a field design, where a study will be applied for teachers assigned to the University of Los Andes, University Nucleus "Rafael Rangel" (ULA-NURR), Trujillo State. In accordance with the approaches investigated in the article, it is concluded that it is expected that students at the time of producing knowledge in the research process are able to establish relationships of connection between theory and practice. In addition, in the performance of its investigative actions the student must acquire new knowledge for an efficient development of the investigative competences and thus be able to generate scientific productions in favor of the society of the environment to which they belong.
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