Correlation between inclusion and Simce

(Case: Commune municipal schools in Chile)




education, school, educational quality


Education today is a social right and that is why educational reforms have been aimed at achieving universal access to regular education and improving its quality and equity. However, inequalities still persist, so it is important to combine the quality of education with educational inclusion in the Chilean system. This research explored the degree of correlation between the inclusion index and the performance classification of the education quality measurement system, both in language and mathematics, limited to the fourth basic years of urban schools in San Clemente. The inclusion index extracted from instruments applied to teachers, parents and students, focused on cultures, policies and inclusive practices, while the results of the Education Quality Agency (SIMCE) test, have been granted by the Mystery of Education. Thus, for the contrast of both variables, the chi-square test was used, a non-parametric instrument that measures the discrepancy between an observed distribution and a theoretical one. The results revealed 75% as an acceptable parameter with respect to the inclusion index, all urban schools in the municipality of San Clemente are inclusive.


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Author Biography

María Francisca Ortega Frei, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, UMC

Nacida en Chile el 20 de febrero del año 1970. Actualmente me desempeño como Vicerrectora Académica de la Universidad Miguel de Cervantes (UMC); Mis estudios académicos parten como Socióloga; posteriormente Magister en Gestión Universitaria, Universidad de Alcalá (UAH); Con una trayectoria muy amplia a nivel universitario, además, fui Secretaria Regional y Administradora General del Ministerio de Minería de la Región Metropolitana en Santiago de Chile.


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How to Cite

Ortega Frei, M. F. (2019). Correlation between inclusion and Simce: (Case: Commune municipal schools in Chile). Revista Scientific, 4(Ed. Esp.), 18–37.