Respectable public reader and / or writer
Respectable public reader and / or writer
The Editor, the co-editors and the Academic Editorial Committee give you the most cordial welcome and from now on you are called to serve for your publications of "Scientific", a Journal of Socio Educational Research, edited quarterly by the Editorial Instituto Internacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Educativo INDTEC, C.A., publications located on the website of dissemination: and, with Legal Deposit: BA2016000002 and Intellectual Property Registration, Safe Creative code: # 1608062119921/1609049096099.
Revista Scientific has a broad mission to understand an arbitrated multidisciplinary publication of a quarterly nature, with the possibility of being exchanged with another magazine for novel and unpublished articles, essays, reviews and advances of scientific research generated internally and externally by Educational Institutions Superior, of the areas of Management, Education, Technology and Communication, which will be submitted to qualified arbitration.
As another option offered by "Scientific", the last section of the journal is intended for the publication of contributions and essays on subjects related to the academic or social area.
The product of a detailed work is detailed enough and necessary instructions to the authors, so that they find the precise guidelines in the writing of the writings, where the human and professional essence that distinguish the editorial collective that, with all humility, is responsible for stimulating And help for the perfection of each work.
The doors are open and your productions will be very welcome, once the team is convinced, that the dissemination of scientific research through articles, essays, reviews, among other resources, is essential to make evident the reality that what Not published does not exist and that this work culminates to be published in a scientific journal; Only then will it be known by the academic, scientific community and its contribution will be part of the universal scientific knowledge.
Thanks for bearing us in mind. Always to the orders.
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