GIE Educational Innovation Groups: A valid alternative for University Teachers
teacher, education, publisherAbstract
The Higher Education Institutions of Latin America have not necessarily handled a cutting-edge scenario in the processes of scientific research, either because their academic tradition was oriented, especially, to the field of teaching or, because the potential of their cloisters has been underestimated academics to generate knowledge or, even, because of the precarious sources of funding that university projects have supported, so historically, teaching and research extension have been privileged.
However, from the aforementioned, it is still true that, on more than one occasion, the teaching bodies, often alone and with insufficient university management structures, have solved relevant solutions to the challenges that their sociocultural environment has given them known to require the title of the research function. Given the present duality, it is necessary to demystify those logics that privilege the vision that research can only be gestated by those with great disciplinary skills or that is a particular process of those who possess a scientific degree of the highest level.
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Pesántez, F., Martín, E., & Bojorque, R. (2015). Una mirada crítica al sistema de acceso a la Educación Superior ecuatoriana. Revista Cubana de Educación Superior, 34(2), 63-76, e-ISSN: 0257-4314. Recuperado de:
Freire, P. (1993). Pedagogía de la esperanza: un reencuentro con la pedagogía del oprimido. Primera edición, ISBN: 968-23.1899-8. México, D.F.: Siglo XXI Editores, S.A. de C.V.
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