Technologies in the organization of an inclusive classroom for children with special abilities
educational management, teacher role, educational needsAbstract
This essay addresses how attention to diversity within an inclusive classroom can generate significant learning, using ICT, with inclusion being a basic commitment in the construction of quality education, as Parrilla (2004), points out, highlighting that the Learning is a right and a possibility of participation in the learning process. This approach aims to carry out a true integration of all students attending to diversity as proposed by Fernández and Bermejo (2012), through positive attitudes of teachers and an adequate use of ICT, which provide better care for children with Educational Needs Special associated or not with disability. The use of ICT generates many advantages in the educational field, but also, some barriers or obstacles that hinder or impede equal opportunities, as highlighted by Corrales, Soto and Villafañe (2016). These barriers will be overcome with an educational management that merges all educational actors, where the role of the teacher is innovative using all the tools available to them, including technological ones, so that students develop their abilities and skills from their particularities and so that they contribute even more to the whole of society.
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