Generational behaviors and informative content that build the world of Fake News in Ecuador
politics, social media, informationAbstract
This work is based on a bibliographic review that describes how fake news works, its creation, objectives and the environment in which they develop. Based on this, the objective of the study is to analyze what behaviors and types of content shape the world of fake news in Ecuador. Taking elements of theories such as the model of the probability of elaboration of persuasion (ELM), the communication model of Costa (2012) and the generational differences raised by Kotler and Keller (2012), a conceptual research model is created and possible relationships are extracted that They throw research questions on the subject. Through surveys and case analysis, it is concluded that certain behaviors in the face of false news are directly related to age, such as media preferences and favorite content character. However, some of the relationships raised show inconclusive results that should be explored in future research.
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