Theoretical Approach to the Conception of the Agricultural Manager: A Trans-Complex Vision (Wasteland area, Mérida)
agriculture, manager, agricultural developmentAbstract
This article has been prepared with the intention of conducting a theoretical investigation of the behavior of the agricultural manager in the area of the Mérida wasteland. The Venezuelan agricultural sector has changed in recent years, therefore, it needs a good manager to face these changes. As a general objective, it is intended to analyze a theoretical approach of the agricultural manager from a hermeneutical approach, a trans-complex theory, and the specific objective is to analyze the theoretical philosophical foundations under a hermeneutical approach to improve the quality of the agricultural manager by applying a subjective epistemic model, and discover the style of thinking of the agricultural manager to improve his functions. The research is documentary under a qualitative approach, using a hermeneutical methodology for its development. Review and analysis of historical, research, and theoretical background. Finally, the results obtained and conclusions are analyzed determining the quality of the agricultural manager.
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