Empirical procedures in the process of professional qualification in the public university
theses, professional, universityAbstract
This study describes the problem that happened in the titling processes by various modalities in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the National University of Engineering (FIM-UNI) in the period 2012-2017, in reference to University Law 30220. The aforementioned law ponders the modalities to obtain the professional degree: first the Bachelor's degree must have been obtained, as well as having passed a thesis or in any case a work of professional sufficiency, and only in that university in which the degree was obtained Bachelor's degree. This research has followed the method of exploratory, descriptive and explanatory study; and the descriptive non-experimental transectional or transversal exploratory descriptive design was applied. All those actions that contribute to the motivation and realization of some thesis topic between the industry and the university benefit the students, which means that they do not feel oblivious to this reality and obtain the appropriate tools to experiment; and that way, avoid being part of the application empiricisms.
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