Do you remember what is funny?: Humor as a resource to reduce advertising evasion on social networks
humor, advertising evasion, centennials, social networksAbstract
Today, hundreds of brands have migrated their advertising communication to social networks in order to capture the attention of a new generation of consumers, the Centennials. However, the negative perception of advertising in general and the oversaturation of information pose a great challenge: finding resources that allow not only to capture the attention of an audience but also to gain space in their memory. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of humorous tone in the recall of advertising messages displayed on social networks. An experiment was carried out in a universe of 30 young people who belong to the Centennials Generation. The results reveal that the humorous tone increases the probability of recalling an advertisement as a result of increased attention, thus reaffirming the effectiveness of humor as an advertising resource.
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