Perception of the students of the degree of primary education on sustainability and urban planning (Córdoba, Spain)
sustainability, environment, teaching social sciencesAbstract
Currently, one of the fundamental educational challenges in teacher training is to work on the Sustainable Development Goals established in the 2030 Agenda, at the Summit for Sustainable Development, held at the Headquarters United Nations (2015). In this sense, the objective of the article is to analyze sustainability in the city of Córdoba (Spain), on the one hand, taking into account the urban development of the last decades and, on the other, the perception of the students of the Baccalaureate of Primary Education about this city as a sustainable community, through an active and participatory methodology, placing students at the center of the teaching-learning process with the aim of achieving meaningful and playful learning. After the activity, the students were asked, through a form, to reflect on the contents and design of the teaching of Social Sciences.
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