Social bonding and citizen security: An emerging transcategorial of Security




transcomplexity, social bonding, citizen security


The professional and work experience at the National Experimental University of Security (UNES), in social matters and especially in the area of ​​social bonding, allowed us to see and feel the need to build a new conceptualization of social bonding in optimizing citizen security. The present investigation is of a quali-quantitative approach, supported by the Multimethod: action investigation (IA) and Critical Hermeneutics. The objective is to build a transcomplex knowledge about social bonding for the optimization of citizen security. The methodology focused on the collection of information through participant observation, interview with key informants and the direct participation of the researcher with the object of study, in relation to the interview with key informants, three (3) groups of researchers were carried out: A (1) Researcher on Citizen Security, one (1) researcher on transcomplexity and one (1) researcher on Social Bonding. The purpose is to build transcomplex knowledge about social bonding in the optimization of citizen security, create new epistemes, in addition to responding to the approaches that allow the transcomplex vision of social bonding to break out, the theoretical referents are oriented to highlight the validity, its applicability in the methodology, its contributions must incorporate transcomplexity as a construct of knowledge about social bonding.


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Author Biography

Luis Enrique Rodríguez Velazco, Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Seguridad, UNES

Nacido en Maracay, Venezuela, el 2 de noviembre del año 1970. Profesional administrativo de la Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Seguridad (UNES); abogado de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela; Doctorante en Seguridad Ciudadana en la Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Seguridad (UNES); Diplomado en Desarrollo Comunitario; Seminario en Seguridad Ciudadana y la Nación; Trabajador Social; y actualmente motivado a la investigación de carácter transcomplejo.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Velazco, L. E. (2020). Social bonding and citizen security: An emerging transcategorial of Security. Revista Scientific, 5(18), 157–172.