Development of teaching didactic competences for the teaching of historical-cultural notions in Initial Education
education, history, culture, mediationAbstract
The present study seeks to determine the importance of the development of teaching didactic competences for the teaching of historical-cultural notions in boys and girls in Initial Education, in attention to the curricular component Local, regional and national history, in the city of Barinas, Barinas state. The quantitative research approach with descriptive design was selected, using inductive processes to explore and describe; which will reflect a specific reality when characterizing, registering and analyzing; under the feasible project modality, promoting strategies that allow the emergence of solutions to the problem. A questionnaire of ten (10) items is applied to a sample of ten (10) teachers of the Initial Education Subsystem, Preschool Stage (from 4 years, 10 months to 5 years, 10 months) in 05 Initial Education Centers of the city of Barinas. As a result, the lack of teaching didactic methodology that supports reflection for the teaching of history and culture is evident, for which reason the design of didactic strategies that generate means of construction of historical-cultural thinking in children based on in continuous reflection, so that civic celebrations and ephemeris are meaningful to them and positively value their environment.
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