Training Program Organic Fertilizer Production by Microorganisms Efficient


  • Diana Carolina Cuevas Ordoñez Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL



educational plan, organic fertilizer, efficient microorganisms


This research aims to develop a training program for Organic Fertilizer Production by Efficient Microorganisms aimed at teachers of the Bolivarian National School "Jose Vicente Unda" Barinitas Parish, Municipality Bolivar, Barinas State, 2015-2016 school year. The nature of research is framed in qualitative methodology, in the form of participatory action research, with a field design under the following phases: diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation, supported by a depth interview, using a log audiovisual face to face and through generating scripts questions, you will have three key informants. As for the technical analysis of the information box categories in order to make comparisons and draw contrasts possible. Among the final considerations it is estimated that the creation of practical activities for the production of organic fertilizer through efficient microorganisms represents an important contribution to strengthening the socio spaces in the institution, maintaining biodiversity and reducing the negative impact to the environment.


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How to Cite

Cuevas Ordoñez, D. C. (2017). Training Program Organic Fertilizer Production by Microorganisms Efficient. Revista Scientific, 2(3), 176–189.