Teaching Strategies for Significant Development of Reading of Learners Understanding in Primary Education


  • María Edixa Araujo Riveros Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt, UNERMB




meaningful teaching strategies, reading comprehension, primary education


This article aims to propose a manual significant for the development of reading comprehension in students of Educational Unit The Batatal located in the parish Marcelino Briceño, municipality Baralt, Zulia state teaching strategies. To do this, it is based theoretically on the contributions of authors like Campos (2011), Camilloni (2012), Castedo (2011), Ortiz (2012), among others. Methodologically, it developed following the modality of feasible project, which was applied to a population of 24 teachers from the selected institution. survey the survey with a structured according Likert scale questionnaire type instrument, and twenty-four items was used as a technique. The validity was obtained through expert judgment, the reliability of =, 9216 was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The results led to the conclusion that teachers had weaknesses related to the implementation of teaching strategies that will enable the development of reading comprehension in students by providing input for the design of the proposed manual. It is recommended to use different strategies for different levels of reading comprehension in accordance with the development achieved by their students.


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How to Cite

Araujo Riveros, M. E. (2017). Teaching Strategies for Significant Development of Reading of Learners Understanding in Primary Education. Revista Scientific, 2(3), 226–246. https://doi.org/10.29394/scientific.issn.2542-2987.2017.