Pedagogical Orientations that Allow Addressing School Risk in Early Childhood Education




orientations, school, initial education


The article aims to design a compendium of pedagogical guidelines that allow addressing school risk in boys and girls from the Initial Education Center. Methodologically, it was framed in the quantitative paradigm, in a type of descriptive research, supported by a feasible project. The population under study was made up of thirteen (13) teachers belonging to the June 24 Initial Education Center of the Barinas Municipality, Barinas state, Venezuela, to whom a questionnaire containing twenty-three (23) items designed with three options was applied. answers, Always, Almost Always and Never. The validity of the instrument was carried out through the expert judgment technique and the reliability was performed using Cronbach's Alpha, obtaining 0.98, as for data processing, the coding and tabulation of the descriptive analysis was used. Once the data had been analyzed, a proposal was developed that allows teachers to address school risk. Regarding the conclusions, it is established that early childhood teachers are unaware of the theoretical constructs underlying risk management, a situation that prevents them from addressing emergency situations using the appropriate methods.


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Author Biography

Iruma Josefina Linares Figueroa, Universidad Fermín Toro, UFT

Nacida en Barinas, Venezuela, el 6 de marzo del año 1979. Me Inicié en el año 2004, como Docente en el Centro Educación Inicial (CEI) 24 de Junio;  Me gradué como Técnico Superior Universitario en Educación Inicial en el  año 2003, en el Instituto Universitario de Tecnología “Coronel Agustín Codazzi” (IUTAC); continué mis estudios en la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL), donde obtuve el título como Profesor de Educación Inicial en el año 2008; seguidamente con aras de mejorar profesionalmente, cursé estudios en la Universidad Fermín Toro (UFT), obteniendo en el año 2016, el título de Magister en Educación Inicial; Actualmente me desempeño como Directora (e) en el CEI 24 de Junio.


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How to Cite

Linares Figueroa, I. J. (2021). Pedagogical Orientations that Allow Addressing School Risk in Early Childhood Education. Revista Scientific, 6(19), 164–184.