The Nursing Process: Vocational Horizon for Care
vocation, watch, out, essence, nursingAbstract
The vocation is the inspiration or feeling, which contemplates a series of qualities that characterizes each person and guides them towards a behavior or way of life, especially in their profession. Care is a function performed by the nurse, it is the essence of her, focused on supporting the treatment of the patients in her charge. In nursing, the professionals who agree to be trained as such must have this virtue. The present essay aims in its general objective to reflect on the nursing process: vocational horizon for care. In this essay, a dissertation is made on the development of Nursing, framed in the vocation as a fundamental tool for the application of the care provided by the nurse, while leaving a feeling of satisfaction in the patient-nurse therapeutic relationship. Guided by the Theory of Human Care by Watson (2008), as theoretical support. Generating, in turn, positive effects on the health of the patient that the Nursing Process grants, this being a scientific method for the application of care to the person, being the vocation almost a requirement to be a nursing professional, providing care is a task difficult that requires to be carried out with love and quality, whose purpose is to satisfy the needs of the patient focused on the vocation visualized as a horizon for care.
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