Promotion of Environmental Consciousness from the Axiological Perspective at School - Community. (Project execution)
environmental consciousness, axiological perspective, communityAbstract
The objective of this study is to develop environmental awareness actions from the axiological perspective in the school - community of Banco Alto, Pedraza State Barinas State. It will be framed in an action research with its respective phases: diagnosis, planning, execution, evaluation and systematization. The key informants in the study will be 18 students and 15 members of the community. The techniques used in this research to compile the information will correspond to the participant observation and the semi-structured interview. The instruments used to reflect the information will be the daily records and the interview guide. To carry out the validation of the information, the triangulation methods will be taken into account. Once the instruments are applied, the information will be organized through the categorization, theorization, classification, synthesis and comparison of this in order to obtain a complete vision of the reality of the problem under study.
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