The transition in qualitative research: an approach to triangulation
investigation, triangulation, qualitative researchAbstract
The purpose of this document is to highlight the importance of triangulation within the research field, starting with a brief tour to highlight the significance of qualitative research and the essential role that is assumed in it as a determinant of validity, without delve into profuse explanatory plans given the immeasurable theoretical wealth available on the subject. For this, the contributions of Vasilachis (2012); Denzin and Lincoln (2012), regarding the essence of the qualitative approach, as well as the theoretical contributions of Alzás and Casa (2017); Ruiz (2012); Fernández and Postigo-Fuentes (2020), to consolidate the comprehensive framework on the role of triangulation. Emphasizing that even though not exclusively, in the field of social sciences, the qualitative approach offers the opportunity to appreciate the singularities of the phenomena from dissimilar views that immerse the researcher in a fertile interpretive field. Also underlining that to avoid biases and distortions of interpretations, product of the philosophical positions of the researcher and the subjectivities that define it, triangulation emerges as a substantial tool that seeks to ensure the correct character of the interpretative reconstructions of reality.
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