Digital marketing and its support to the service of community health in Geriatric Centers
digital marketing, health services, link with society, geriatric centersAbstract
Digital marketing as a component of marketing, uses the internet, web pages and social networks as mechanisms that allow to locate products and services with greater and better results. In this research, it is proposed to extend its application to the service of vulnerable groups and their relationship with the academy, through the development of projects of connection with society that allow solving social problems of the most needy sectors of the country. The objective of this research is to determine guidelines for the development of digital marketing operations that allow expanding the free services offered by Higher Education Institutions in favor of the elderly residents of the geriatric centers of the Province of Tungurahua. The article uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive methodology that allows understanding and explaining the current situation of geriatric centers; For this purpose, a survey was applied to a population of 216 older adults and 8 directors of geriatric centers in the Province were interviewed. The results obtained determined little participation, knowledge and application of marketing tools in geriatric centers and it was concluded that marketing strategies should be directed to professionals in the area of geriatrics and personalized care, considering that older adults have a low percentage of participation on the internet, social networks and web pages.
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