School Board as a Pedagogic Strategy for the Strengthening of Environmental Values


  • Daniel Enrique Palma Ávila Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL



school garden, pedagogical strategies, environmental values


The present study has as general objective to implement the agroecological school orchard as a pedagogical strategy for the strengthening of the environmental values ​​in the children of the Adolfo Moreno National School of the Barinitas Parish, Bolivar Municipality of the Barinas State. The same was developed under the paradigm of qualitative research and in the research type was the participatory action research contentive of four (4) phases (Diagnostics, Design, Execution and Evaluation), the research was supported in a descriptive field design. Also, the techniques used to gather information were participant observation and interview, as an instrument was applied an interview script which was answered by three (3) key informants made up of teachers belonging to the educational institution who will provide the necessary information to the description, interpretation and elaboration of strategies directed to the achievement of the stated objectives. The technique of information analysis will be carried out through the process of triangulation to reduce it and thus express it, describe it and interpret it. The results showed the need for the implementation of a plan that allows the use of the school garden as a pedagogical strategy that allows the strengthening of environmental values.


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How to Cite

Palma Ávila, D. E. (2017). School Board as a Pedagogic Strategy for the Strengthening of Environmental Values. Revista Scientific, 2(Ed. Esp.), 82–94.