Due Process and Criminalistics





criminology, criminal process, evidence


The study of Due Process and Criminalistics enable the analysis of compliance with the fundamental aspects that frame the investigation of crimes from the point of view of guarantees. The theoretical analysis related to Due Process, its definitions, and historical background is carried out until reaching the present. Reference is made to Criminalistics, its conceptualization, its object of study and its inescapable relationship with compliance with Due Process, based on the foundation of considering Criminalistics as a science, and the procedural manuals that materialize in its practical application, such as They are: the principle of legality, that of celerity, that of the legality of the evidence, as well as its regulation in the Ecuadorian Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code, the Codes of Criminal Procedures of Nicaragua and Colombia. Taking Ecuador as a reference, a comparative study of the Penal Codes of Ecuador, Nicaragua and Colombia was carried out in terms of the form of regulation of the Due Process manuals. In this investigation, two questionnaire-type instruments were used, applying two types of surveys, one directed to the prosecutors of the Prosecutor's Office of Flagrancy of the "La Mariscal" Sector and another to the experts of the Laboratory of Forensic Sciences and Criminalistics of the city of Quito.


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Author Biography

Héctor Fabián Lema Espinoza, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador, UMET

Nacido en la Parroquia San Juan, Cantón Riobamba, provincia Chimborazo, Ecuador, el 3 de abril del año 1988: Mis estudios primarios lo realicé en la Escuela José Antonio Lizarzaburu; y continuando los estudios secundarios en el Colegio Experimental Pedro Vicente Maldonado, en la Especialidad de Ciencias Sociales; los estudios Universitarios lo efectué en la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV), del País de Cuba; y con estudios en la Universidad Metropolitana (UMET) con sede en la Ciudad de Quito; posterior obtengo varios Diplomados en diferentes especialidades en el área del Derecho en la Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE).


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How to Cite

Lema Espinoza, H. F. (2022). Due Process and Criminalistics. Revista Scientific, 7(23), 158–170. https://doi.org/10.29394/Scientific.issn.2542-2987.2022.