Association between cognitive distortions and work stress in public health professionals




cognitive distortions, work stress, health personnel


This research aims to determine the association between cognitive distortions and work stress in public health personnel. The study took a non-experimental and cross-sectional quantitative approach with a descriptive-correlational scope. The Inventory of Automatic Thoughts (IPA) by Ruiz and Luján (1991); was applied; and the Stress Assessment Questionnaire constructed by Villalobos (2010), cited by the Ministry of Social Protection (MPS, 2010), to a total of 92 professionals in the field of public health. Three types of analysis were carried out: descriptive, inferential and association. Frequencies, percentages and measures of central tendency were obtained where the Chi square was applied to establish statistically significant relationships with a significance level of .05. Finally, the Odds Ratio (OR) was used to determine the probability of occurrence. As main results, 24 statistically significant relationships were obtained with the 15 cognitive distortions related to 3 of the 4 dimensions of work stress, all of them complying with a level of P<.05, with an intensity that was scored between medium and high. It is concluded that all automatic thoughts had a significant relationship with the appearance of work stress in the dimensions of physiological, social behavior and intellectual and labor symptoms.


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Author Biographies

Jenny Katherine Soria Reinozo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, PUCE

Nacida en Limón Indanza, Ecuador, el 18 de diciembre del año 1994. Psicóloga Clínica de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato (UTA), Ecuador; Profesional en servicio psicológico en proyectos de atención clínico, social, comunitaria y ejercicio de atención psicológica privada; he asistido a diversos congresos, seminarios y talleres sobre psicología, intervención social, salud mental, investigación y avances en psicología.

Darwin Raúl Noroña Salcedo, Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, UNIANDES

Nacido en Quito, Ecuador, el 13 de marzo del año 1983. PhD. en Ciencias de la Salud Ocupacional por la Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), México; además de Magister en Seguridad Laboral por la Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE); Profesional en el área de gestión del talento humano, ámbito de cultura organizacional; violencia de género; discriminación e interculturalidad y en investigación en seguridad y salud ocupacional; con aptitudes de liderazgo, investigación, desarrollo y ejecución de proyectos técnicos; especial énfasis en dirección de equipos de trabajo, consultorías profesionales y en docencia universitaria.


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How to Cite

Soria Reinozo, J. K., & Noroña Salcedo, D. R. (2022). Association between cognitive distortions and work stress in public health professionals. Revista Scientific, 7(23), 171–192.