Critical Analysis of Management and Transformation in University Education, from Various Postulates




university transformation, university management, challenges, critical thinking


The Venezuelan university transformation is guided by principles of Latin American and Caribbean integration, whose priority is to correct the evolutionary and progressive need of societies; In this sense, managing it becomes the primary tool to overcome numerous challenges in terms of technological, political and social education. The present investigation has as an incentive the critical analysis of postulates on the subject, issued by authors such as: Berrios, Castillo and Castro (2009), Morales (2012), Muro and Picón (2005), until Rivero and Goyo (2012). From a qualitative methodology, using hermeneutics as a general method of comprehension, located in a documentary design, aimed at the analysis of discourse, we turn to the triadic model technique, where various categories and subcategories emerge, to form an assumption with the proposed vision. Among the outstanding findings: university transformation requires leaders committed to the new paradigmatic changes that humanity demands; the university management, must wield the knowledge towards the construction and operation of a national productive model towards the development of the country; and also, within the complexity of political, social and economic interactions and interrelations, make a sustained effort to conceive and found a reform of thought for the evolution of society.


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How to Cite

Marcano Ortega, J. J. (2017). Critical Analysis of Management and Transformation in University Education, from Various Postulates. Revista Scientific, 2(Ed. Esp.), 275–294.